The Black Cat Phantom

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Location: Team RWBY's Dorm

I walked into a romantically decorated room lit only by dimmed soft lights and candles on a finely set table. The floor had a path of rose petals that led to the table, around the dorm room, and ended at Blake's bed. Every few steps there was a small folded note, I picked up the first one and began to read it.

Note 1: Story- The Black Cat Phantom
-Your Role: Y/N L/N, a young hopeless romantic Detective assigned to find the mysterious Phantom.
-Blake's Role: The Black Cat Phantom, a vigilante of Vulkixa City, desperate to find a lover in a bleak little world.

I stood there for a moment and began to think about how I'd play my role. I didn't think Blake would be into role-playing, but considering how different Weiss and Ruby's most recent dates have been, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that Blake would follow suit. I settled on how I wanted to portray my character, a bit abrasive as if he'd been hurt by a past lover, yet kind-hearted and sweet. I followed the path of rose petals to the next note which was on the desk by the door.

Note 2: Y/N is sitting at his desk awaiting another long, bleak, and rainy day to be over. Little did he know, this would be the night he'd meet the vigilante he'd be tasked with finding, but also his new lover.

I sat down at the desk and acted like I was finishing up some paperwork, letting out a deep sigh of apathy that flowed into the air around me.

Y/N(Detective): Another day, another storm, another dark and desolate night in my apartment I'll go back to. I still haven't heard back from Emilia, I thought our date went rather well last week. *pretends to check phone* "Sorry, it's not you, I just don't think I'm ready to be in the dating scene at the moment." Sure... like I haven't heard that excuse a couple dozen times. *sigh* I'm sure she's telling me the truth, I guess I'm just sick of hearing th-

???: The same thing my gloomy moon flower?

I looked to my side and almost jumped out of my chair in surprise. Blake was leaning on the wall next to the desk I was sitting in, how she got there so stealthily is beyond me. She was wearing a black dress, the top tightened to make her breast more apparent. Her face was covered by a black and gold sparkling mask, the kind you'd see people wearing at a masquerade ball. Her wrists bore a black and gold bracelet, with many rings of corresponding colors on her fingers. Her tail waved rhythmically behind her, and her ears stood tall, twitching every once in a while at an outside noise.

Blake(The Black Cat Phantom): It's awfully rude of you to not answer a woman darling, especially one who went out of their way to see you at such late hours.

Y/N(Detective): *blushing* Uh... oh! Of course my apologies Miss... Miss um... you'll have to forgive me, but I don't believe I've ever seen you around the office before. Would you please remind me who you are again Ma'am?

Blake(The Black Cat Phantom): *giggles* I don't work here darling, but I have been keeping my eyes on you for quite some time now.

Y/N(Detective): Y-you have?

Blake(The Black Cat Phantom): Of course I have silly, that's the whole reason I stopped by. I was starting to feel bad, after all you have been searching for me for quite some time now and I haven't even given you the common courtesy of meeting face to face.

Y/N(Detective): I've been searching for you? *realizes and stands up* Wait a minute, you're The Black Ca-

Blake covered my mouth and pushed me against the wall, using her free arm to pin my there. I felt my heart skip a beat in both fear and thrill. I don't think I've ever seen this side of Blake, even for a role playing persona I didn't think she'd play a part so flirty and dominant.

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