Wrecked And Worried

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Location: Team JNPR's Dorm

My heart sank as I slumped back into a chair behind me, not even team JNPR has seen team RWBY. None of the four were responding to any of my calls, and not a single soul in all of Beacon had seen them.

Pyrrha: Y/N, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Y/N: No I'm not alright Pyrrha, I haven't heard nor seen any of team RWBY all day. None of them are responding to my calls and apparently no other student has seen them around Beacon. I know I'm probably too worked up over it all, but I've had this terrible feeling for a while now. I think something is going on behind my back with the four of them. The worst part is, I think I know what is happening... I just don't know why.

Jaune: You don't think they're cheating on you, do you Y/N?

I saw Pyrrha's eyes widen at the thought of them cheating on me.

Y/N: *sighs* I don't want to believe they are Jaune, I really don't. However, things have been... different to say the least around them as of late.

Ren: What do you mean by that Y/N?

Y/N: For starters, all of their dates have been very different than the norm. I know that seems like an odd thing to point out, but I mean they've been DRASTICALLY different.

Nora: *annoyed* Did you consider that maybe they were tired of doing the same things and wanted to try something new?

Y/N: *stands up* Of course I did Nora, do you think I want to believe they're cheating on me?!

She hesitated and her eyes widened a bit, the room went silent. I took a deep breath and sat back down.

Y/N: I-I'm sorry... I know you're just trying to give me some perspective on the situation. But please, let me provide you with the evidence I have.

Jaune: *nods* Continue Y/N...

Y/N: Right, back to the whole date night thing. Ruby's date was different as in she wanted to be out in nature at Beacons flower garden instead of indoors at a bakery. I'm sure you all know why this is odd.

Jaune: She's never been a fan of being outside, especially at night.

Y/N: Exactly, then with Weiss, she was dressed super casual, I'm talking lazy Saturday afternoon casual. Also she took us to Juniors Night Club in Vale, to which she pounded several shots of their strongest alcohol mixes.

Ren: I didn't take Weiss to be the one who'd be the drinker of their team.

Nora: Also "lazy Saturday afternoon" casual on the ice queen? She's notorious across the academy for dressing in anything but informal clothing.

Y/N: Yeah, as for Blake, she set up this whole role-playing event, which was an anomaly already, but the strange part is she willingly took on the dominant role. She was super flirty and forward, similar to how Yang acts on a day to day basis.

Nora: Huh, never in my life did I think that Blake would be the one to have a secret side of 'top' energy.

Pyrrha: What about Yang, what was different with her?

Y/N: She's normally very gentle with me while still committing to being the dominant one out of the two of us. Last week on our date, she was rather aggressive.

Jaune: What do you mean by that?

I lowered my collar and showed them the hickeys Yang had given me, several of them were still very red and fresh.

Nora: *winces* Do those hurt Y/N?

Y/N: No, not anymore, but they definitely weren't fun to have the next morning.

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