Get Wild Tonight

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Location: Beacon Sparring Court


I jumped into the air and summoned a blood warhammer, the head clashing with Pyrrha's shield, which caused the floor below her to crack at the immense force she had just stopped. I heard the click of her spear transforming into its rifle configuration and summoned a blood shield with my free hand to block the incoming shot.

Pyrrha: Got you!

Before I could process that I had been tricked, I felt the the solidarity of her shield below me disappear and soon a wall of steel hit the side of my face, sending me flying backwards. Right as I stabilized myself, I was immediately thrown off balance again by Pyrrha's rifle firing a bullet that grazed my cheek. I growled in light pain before blindly charging at her with a blood spear. I was met with an immediate low sweep and kick to the chest. I tried to get back up, but felt the heel of Pyrrha's shoe push me down again. I looked up to see her spear blade pointed inches away from my face, and in annoyance, I tapped the ground twice to signal my defeat.

Pyrrha: *holds out hand* You're getting better
Y/N, just keep in mind that you should focus on reading potential tricks sometimes.

I grabbed her hand and got up from the ground before dusting myself off.

Y/N: Yeah, easy for the top student in Beacon Academy to say.

Pyrrha: I don't know, I'd say you and I are pretty evenly matched. I just have the advantage of environmental usage, while you have a versatile set of weapons you can summon.

Y/N: *chuckles* Yeah I suppose you're right.

I heard slow clapping come from the other end of the court and saw Weiss sitting on one of the benches. She was dressed in leggings and a sports bra, which is definitely not the norm with her to say the least.

Weiss: Great show you two, but unfortunately we have to wrap it up here tonight. I need to steal
Y/N for our date, apologies Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: *looks over to Y/N* Well you two have fun with that, I'm going to head back to my dorm to study. See you around Y/N!

She waved goodbye, but I feel like I could sense a feeling of disappointment in her voice. It was subtle and maybe I'm just reading too much into it. Even still...

Weiss: *waving hand in front of Y/N's face* Hello? Hello? Remnant to Y/N!

Y/N: Huh? Oh right, I'm sorry Weiss I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm just... tired after my sparring match you know?

She wrapped her arm around mine and began walking us out of the sparring court.

Weiss: Don't worry about it Y/N, let's get going to our date shall we?

I nodded and we began walking through the beautifully lit streets of Beacon Academy under the night sky. 


Location: Juniors Bar

We had taken a Bullhead to Vale, where Weiss led us to Juniors Bar. I'm pretty sure students our age aren't allowed to enter a place like this, but the bouncers seemed pretty willing to let us in without any questioning.

Y/N: We got in here pretty easily. I was expecting we'd have more trouble getting in.

Weiss: I came to this establishment with Yang a while back, which seemed to pretty easily get the owner to grant permission to let us come here whenever. I guess the two of them have some kind of history, and based on the fear in his eyes, it isn't a good history. Well at least not for him.

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