The Blood Wraiths

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Salem's POV
Location: Land of Darkness

I stood atop of a canyon, gazing into a Seer Grimm that displayed a truly remarkable sight.

Salem: *looking at Seer* Fascinating... I didn't think there were any of his kind left.

Arthur: Your majesty *bows*, you wished to speak with me?

I turned my attention to Arthur, a former scientist from Atlas who I swayed to join my cause.

Salem: Yes Watts, I have seen something that I need you and your vast set of intellect to confirm.

Arthur: Very well, as you wish.

The Seer floated towards him and displayed a vision of a young male using blood-like weapons to slay a fully grown Death Stalker. Right after he launched a vermillion blood wave from his arms, decimating a Nevermore and horde of Beowolf. I watched Arthur's eyes widen at the realization of what he'd just witnessed.

Arthur: Yo-your majesty... do you think it's really one of them?

Salem: That is something I was hoping you could confirm for me Watts. After all, that is why I summoned you here.

He pulled out one of his holo-computers and began frantically typing. He rapidly moved through old documents and images, cross tracing everything into a statistics chart of some kind. After minutes of nonstop typing and analyzing, he stepped back with a look of awe on his face.

Salem: What did you find?

Arthur: If my calculations are correct, which I'm sure they are, then what we have just seen was no coincidence... he is one of them.

Salem: *chuckles* Amazing, just amazing. I thought after all these centuries that the Blood Wraiths were long extinct; however, it appears we have found another and potentially the last of his kind.

Arthur: *packs up holo-computer* I'll gather Hazel and Tyrian now, we'll sneak into Beacon at the dead of night and bring him to you.

Salem: That won't be necessary Watts.

He turned back to me with a confused expression on his face.

Arthur: I don't believe I quite understand madam. We have the location of the boy now and we can easily capture him with my internal blood clotting tech. Yet you don't want him here as soon as possible?

Salem: As you know Arthur, I have been on this wretched planet longer than anyone else that currently lives, that is with the exception of Ozpin.

Arthur: Yes, I am very aware of your curse.

Salem: During my time in this hell, I have encountered many different species of humans and faunas alike. Many of whom are now
extinct and exist only as mere myths in ancient history, this includes the Blood Wraiths.

Arthur: If this is the case, then why hasn't Ozpin or James locked him away or isolated him in some kind of safeguard?

Salem: The Blood Wraiths date much farther back than any other mythical counterpart, and were also the first to die out. They have since long been forgotten from the pages of Remnants history books, as more and more philosophers lost belief in their existence and rapidly decreasing evidence. After all, how can you prove a warrior using their own blood as weaponry existed, when all the flesh and blood has been stripped away of their skeleton to begin with.

Arthur: *nods* This is all very true, but still doesn't explain why we can't just capture him.

Salem: While they are strong and possess incredible might, their hearts are fickle, that is unless they develop an attachment to someone. Since their enchanted blood is connected to the heart, developing connections to someone will increase not only their strength, but also their willpower. How or why is beyond me, but somehow it happens. Seeing as how the boy has already begun to develop connections with those four, *points to Team RWBY through the Seer* he will have already if not will quickly develop an unbreakable will not even I could crack.

Arthur: So how are supposed to get him to join our side if he has this "unbreakable will"?

Salem: *asking rhetorically* During your research, did you come across any documents about how the Blood Wraiths were defeated?

Arthur: *scratches chin* From the few that I could find, it was said that an enemy tribe disguised themselves as traders, grew connections with them, before betraying them in cold blood. Afterwards the Blood Wraiths collapsed in powerless grief, with some of the documents reporting their skin turning pale. The enemy tribe was able to quickly dispose of them and wipe out nearly the entire species. However, a few did leave before they grew too close to anyone, but it was said that they too, quickly died out.

Salem: Betrayal... betrayal from people they'd grown very close to. That is how the Blood Wraiths were defeated and wiped off the face of Remnant so easily. It was believed that through b heartbreak, it would also cause their will to continue to cease entirely. In a sense literally breaking their heart.

Arthur: *grins* I think I can see where you're going with this.

Salem: I want you to go to Beacon Watts, but not for him.

I summoned four syringes filled with the same black ooze the Grimm pits bore. I walked over and handed them to Watts.

Salem: Find four catalysts in Vale that are compatible with the Grimm virus. It would also be optimal if they had an semblance that could aid in making our targets fall for them easier.

Arthur: Quite the specific requirements, but it's nothing that I can't handle. *holds up syringes* When do these come into play?

Salem: After you find a catalyst that meet my requirements, inject one into each of them and then report back to me when the task is done. Once I have control of them through the virus I'll see to it that our target has his precious heart shred to ribbons.

Arthur: And what of the boy after that?

Salem: I'll make him mine...

Watts nodded and began walking towards my kingdom to prepare for his mission. Truly what a wonder it is to find another of his kind still alive, and I have everything I need to make him mine.


Salem's POV
Location: Land of Darkness

I watched from the entrance of my kingdom as Watts descended from his ship and walked towards me.

Arthur: *bows* It is done your majesty, I have successfully found four who were compatible with the virus and fit your requirements, just as you requested.

Salem: *grins* Very good, who have you found to be my hands in this operation?

He deployed his holo-computer and pulled up four images of three men and a woman. I suppose he couldn't find a fourth male catalyst in Vale, nevertheless I shall find a way to make it work.

Arthur: *taps picture one* My first finding was Allen Hall, a deadbeat in his early twenties, he's seen frequently visiting Juniors bar to hook up with some of the younger patrons. The only reason he's ever successful is due to his semblance, Incubus Hymn. This allows him to essentially hypnotize and take full control of anyone he talks to in a matter of minutes. *taps picture two* Eric Gibraltar, a fine ladies man and a real charmer, currently attending Beacon Academy. His semblance, simply known as Charm, allows him to make anyone freeze in a state of pure and unconscious lust at his presence alone. *taps picture three* Nadia Seki, apologies I wasn't able to find four male catalysts for this operation. However, I have no doubt we can find a way for her to win over one of the members of team RWBY. Her semblance is called Succubus Gaze, which will cause her current target to be lost in a state of pure ecstasy. *taps picture four* Finally there's Xavier Becker, a tough delinquent who only shows up to Beacon to spar in Goodwitch's class. His semblance, Brute Love, allows him to to win over any girl with the flex of his muscles.

Salem: Excellent, the pieces are set, now all we have to do is move them to the right places at the right time. *turns to the canyon* Your work is finished for tonight Arthur, I will summon you again when I am in need of your assistance once more.

Arthur: *bows* Very well you majesty, I will be awaiting further instructions.

He walked away towards the kingdom. Finally, after all this time, after all this searching, I have found another. I cannot wait to make him my own personal slave, the last of the Blood Wraiths...

•Flashback Ends•

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