Operation Heartbreaker

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Location: Streets of Vale

Everything and everyone stood still, as if time itself had been stopped. I couldn't and didn't want believe what I saw in front of me. My girlfriends, lovers, friends, team RWBY all holding suitcases and getting ready to board a Bullhead with four other people. I recognized three of them, the mullet guy from Juniors was holding Weiss in his arms. The dude I bumped into in the hallway was being smothered by Yang. A woman who I didn't know stroked Ruby's hair gingerly while caressing her cheek. The one who I couldn't believe would do this to me was Xavier, who was kissing Blake passionately on the lips. The terrible feeling in my heart began to fade as time too began to return to its normal speed. I could feel tears run down my cheeks and my throat clamp shut, preventing me from speaking or even sobbing. I wanted to shout at them, scream at the four of them to get the hell away from them, to do something, anything! But I couldn't... I could only stand there in silence as I continued to let my tears softly hit the concrete streets of Vale. I could barely breathe, and a new terrible feeling began to consume my heart. It wasn't feelings of rage, nor anger, but betrayal. Why would they do this to me, is this my fault, why can't I do anything else but stand here and cry as those four take them away from me?!

Ruby: Y-Y/N?!

Everything completely returned to normal speed, the citizens passing by, the cars in the streets, the bustling chatter, my tears hitting the ground, and the others turning around in shock and fear towards me.

Y/N: *crying* ...

Blake: Shit... Y/N baby, I'm so so sorry.

I was trying to get a hold of my body, trying to clench my fists in rage, trying to turn around and run away, but I couldn't.

Weiss: *shaking* Th-this isn't what you think it mi-might be Y/N, I promise!

Y/N: *lowers head* ...

Yang: I'm sorry Y/N, you weren't supposed to find out this way...

Find out this way... what the hell is that supposed to even mean?! How the fuck was I supposed to find out that they were... were... goddamnit...

Xavier: *turns to team RWBY* Our rides here, we should get going...

The eight of them turned around slowly and began to walk away towards the Bullhead. I dropped to my knees and buried my face into my hands, crying in a painful silence. By now we'd attracted the attention of several bystanders, many giving death glares to the eight of them. They began talking quietly about the situation to each other as they continued walking.

Passerby 1: Those whores, I can't believe they'd do such a thing to someone.

Passerby 2: That poor kid, should we stop and help him?

Passerby 3: I don't know, I'm getting a terrible feeling just being around here. I think something bad is about to hap-


A loud whirl followed by an explosion causing screams of fear and panic suddenly flooded the streets of Vale. I looked up in horror as I saw the Bullhead the eight were about to board burst into flames. More explosions could be heard around me and I noticed the bombers to be from Atlas. This can't be Atlesian soldiers committing such an atrocity, it must be some kind of hijack bombing from the White Fang or a malfunction in the syst-


Gunshots echoed all around me as I felt dust bullets whizzing by my face. Instinctively I got up to my feet, still keeping my head low, and ran away from the onslaught of gunfire.

Reawakened (Cheater RWBY X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now