In The Rose Garden

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Location: Team RWBY's Dorm

I waved goodbye to Pyrrha as I entered team RWBY's dorm. Blake looked up from her book she was reading and got up from her bed to hug me.

Blake: I'm glad you're here Y/N, it's been too quiet with you gone.

Y/N: I've missed you too kitten, *looks around* where are the others?

Blake: Yang went to go try out some new weapons with Nora, Weiss is out getting take out for the both of us, and Ruby is getting ready to go out with you.

Y/N: That's great, but where is she?

Blake: She went to get freshened up in the bathroom, she'll be out in a minute.

I nodded and sat down next to Blake on her bed. The two of us just sat in silence together, it was nice though, something I love about her. The others are always wanting to go somewhere or do something, not that I blame them. However, Blake generally only wants to go somewhere quiet or stay in the dorms to enjoy the time we spend together in peace, and sometimes it's good to get away from all the crazy.

*door opening*

Ruby: Sorry to keep you waiting Y/N, I just wanted to try and look nice tonight.

I turned around to see Ruby in a gorgeous white dress with red rose pedals painted on it. She did a little spin in the dress, which gave the illusion of the pedals flowing through the wind. I chuckled and got up to give her a kiss.

Y/N: You always look beautiful Ruby, but I do really love the dress, it suits you nicely.

Ruby: *blushing* Th-thank you Y/N. So, are you ready to go out?

Y/N: Absolutely my dear rose.

I turned to Blake and blew her a kiss. She smiled and blew one back at me before I closed the door.


Location: Beacons Flower Garden

I held Ruby's hand as we walked through the quiet flower garden in the center of Beacon. Ruby's high heels clicking on the pavemented ground echoed around us accompanied by crickets and a soft breeze. The sky was perfectly clear out tonight, you could see all the stars and the moon.

Y/N: Sure is beautiful this time of year isn't it Ruby?

Ruby: *leaning in closer* Yes, it really is such l wonderful weather.

Y/N: Shame it only comes around for a short while, then the winter rolls around and covers everything in a frozen bleakness.

Ruby: Better not say that around Weiss, I don't think the Ice Queen will be very fond of you saying such a thing.

Me and her both laughed at that comment for a short bit. Our voices echoing out across the empty garden. We continued to walk and talk for a while longer before sitting down on the edge of the fountain in the center of the garden.

Y/N: It's nice to be able to spend some time between just you and I Ruby. If you don't mind me asking though, why did you choose to come here tonight? Normally when we'd go on our dates you'd want to go get dessert or see a movie.

Ruby: I thought we should try something different tonight, maybe switch it up a little? Are you upset with the choice tonight?

Y/N: What?! No Ruby, not at all! First of all anytime I get to spend with you is already a blessing in it of itself. Secondly I'm happy with whatever you choose to be our date, hell we could literally go pick up trash off the streets for a date and I'd still enjoy it.

I grabbed her soft hands and held them tightly. I must've caught her off guard a little bit as her cheeks turned a cherry blossom pink.

Y/N: I'm not concerned with where we go, all I care about is spending time with you. You're what makes my time so enjoyable, not the location we go to. You mean so much to me, and as long as you're happy I'm happy too.

She scooted in closer and hugged me tightly. I've always enjoyed Ruby's hugs, there's just something so innocent yet comforting about them. However, this one felt different, it felt as if she was holding on to me out of fear.

Ruby: Y/N, can I ask you a favor?

Y/N: Shoot.

Ruby: Promise me you won't do anything dangerous to yourself please.

Y/N: I promise I won't Ruby, but what made you think I would?

Her head tilted down into my shoulder and I could feel tears begin hitting my pant leg as her soft quiet sobs crept into my ear.

Ruby: I just... I don't know. Af-after the you know, fight with CRDL... ju-just watching you collapse to the floor, bleeding out... I-I just w-was so sc-

I gently lifted Ruby's chin up, her cheeks stained with streaks of black mascara and blemished in a shade of light red. Her poor little body shaking fearfully and her heart racing. I slowly leaned in closely and kissed her softly, her sobs soon calming down. As she melted into the kiss, she placed her hand on the back of my head and began running her fingers through my hair. We stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, and I wish it could've stayed that way. After minutes of that passionate kiss we broke off. A strand of saliva was left bridging the gap between mine and her lips as if trying to tempt us to rejoin the embrace again. Ruby looked at me in the eyes and smiled, her cheeks still stained with the streaks of black mascara. I pulled out my
handkerchief and began cleaning up her pretty face.

Ruby: I'm sorry about all that Y/N, that's just been something that's been lingering in the back of my mind for a while.

Y/N: Don't apologize for feeling the way you do Ruby. Fear is a strange beast that we can't defeat on our own. I'm here for you, and you know I'll always be here for you no matter what.

I tucked away the cloth in my back pocket and helped Ruby to her feet.

Y/N: *checks time* It's getting pretty late Ruby, we should start heading back.

I started to walk off, but was soon stopped in my tracks by Ruby's hand grabbing my arm.

Ruby: Can we do one last thing before we go back Y/N?

Y/N: For you my dear Rose, anything.

She pulled out her scroll and a pair of earbuds. She placed the right one into her ear and handed me the left one. I placed the earbud in and looked over to Ruby who pressed play on a song.

*play song here*

Ruby: *holds out hand* Share with me this one dance tonight won't you?

Y/N: *takes Ruby's hand* I wouldn't have it any other way my darling rose.

We both began to dance, admittedly clumsily as we are both novices, but slowly we matched each others steps and placement. Soon it felt as though me and her were one person, our pacing and form becoming near identical of one another. This night, no this moment is one I wish I could have forever. To just forget the worries of tomorrow, this wild world we live in, and spend an eternity here dancing with my sweet Ruby, in the rose garden.

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