Across The Vale

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Location: Beacon Academy Dorms

I heard a lot of commotion outside my room and began to track down the noise. The argument was coming from team RWBY's dorm, and it sounded like Blake and Weiss were fighting with each other. I know it's bad to eavesdrop on private conversations, but I should be on standby in case things get physical or worse.

Weiss: You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves and murderers!

Blake: Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!

The room went silent and I felt my heart skip a beat. Blake being in the White Fang... no that can't be right. I know she's rather reclusive, but she's not evil, not by a long shot.


The door to their dorm swung open at full speed, the doorknob making a large dent into the wall. I watched as Blake dashed off down the hall.

Ruby: BLAKE! Wait, come back!

I turned around the corner to the entrance of their dorm with my best 'I totally wasn't standing outside eavesdropping' sounding voice.

Y/N: I heard a lot of screaming and saw Blake run off, is everything alright, are any of you hurt?

Yang: I wouldn't say hurt, at least not physically.

She glared over to Weiss, which was met with her turning away in shame away from Yang.

Ruby: Y/N, we have to go find her, she could get lost or hurt herself or... I don't know! We need to go after her, let's go team!

Y/N: No, you all stay here I'll go find her on my own. It might not be in her best interest to see her team right now.

I could tell Ruby wanted to protest, but she never spoke and anytime she was about to, she'd just droop her shoulders and sign.

Ruby: You're right Y/N... please just promise me you'll find her and let us know when you do.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and nodded, making a unspoken promise to complete the task at hand.

Y/N: Try to get some rest, if I can't find her by dawn then I'll need all of you at full energy to help find Blake. I'll message you on my scroll if I find her.

Ruby nodded and I took off down the hall to begin my search for Blake. My main concern is that Vale is a massive city, and since most of the street and building lights go out around this hour, on top of having to find a very nimble kitten that's primary color is black... damn do I have my night cut out for me. I began with climbing up the side of a hotel with my semblance, summoning blood energy hook chains to pull me up to the top. I figured that if I was on the high ground, that I'd be able to have better visuals of my surroundings. Unfortunately, even from up high I was still having trouble seeing around me. I began to run, occasionally having to jump from the spaces in between buildings. After an hour of searching, still no sign of her, my scroll began to ring. It was Yang calling me.

Y/N: Hello?

Yang: Did you find her yet?

Y/N: No, not even a hint about where she was heading. For all I know I'm going in the complete opposite direction.

I tried to chuckle at the comment I had just made, but could barely muster a grin in the cold weather.

Yang: You should call it a night Y/N, it's nearly two in the morning. We can all go look for her later today after we've all rested up.

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