A Huntress's Prey

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Location: Team RWBY's Dorm

I was waiting outside team RWBY's dorm to take Yang on our date. The four of them are currently talking about something important. From what little I can pick up on from out here, it sounds pretty serious. As of late, I've had that terrible feeling, it's gotten worse than the time with Cardin and even worse than from that one dude I bumped into a while back. I know I'm probably just reading too much into it, but hell, even my own girlfriends have been acting a bit odd lately. I don't just mean with the change up of date nights either, in general it feels like they're hiding something from me. I don't know what it could be or why, I don't even know if what I'm feeling is justified. All I know is that this terrible feeling
only seems to be getting worse...

Yang: Y/N?

Yang's voice snapped me out of my spiral, I looked up to meet her soft lilac eyes. She was standing at her door in a yellow dress with a dragon painted spiraling up it. Unlike her pun game, she never failed to dress with style. Even in her pajamas she always manages to look good.

Yang: *hugs Y/N* Are you feeling alright baby, you look like you've seen a ghost.

Y/N: As long as I'm with you my dear, I'll be the happiest man in the world.

She giggled and continued to hold me in her arms for a while before we set off on our date.


Location: Hills of The Emerald Forest

Yang: *out of breath* What a climb... *sighs* I shouldn't have worn heels for this.

Y/N: *jokingly* Is the tough one finally showing her weakness?

Yang: Hey, that's not fair for you to say, you're not carrying all of this baggage.

She puffed out her chest, making her large breasts bounce up and down. I could feel myself heat up and cheeks turn cherry red.

Yang: *jokingly* Awe, is the gentleman finally showing his pervertedness?

Y/N: *looks away* Th-that's not fair, you totally did that on purpose!

Yang: You could've looked anywhere else on my body or around us though.

Y/N: *flustered* Th-that's what I'm doing now.

I heard the grass around me shift with footsteps from Yang growing closer. Suddenly her arms wrapped around me, locking me in an embrace with her breasts pressing on my back. I could feel her soft and warm breath hitting the side of my neck. There's always been something about her being the dominant one that I love. I don't mind her taking the lead or making the first move when we're together. Perhaps it's because of my childhood, growing up without many friends or being super close with my own parents even. Maybe I like her being the strong one in our relationship because I know she's with me by choice and she truly wants me to be with her.

Yang: *whispers into Y/N's ear* I'm pretty hungry my darling, and right now you're looking like a delectable meal.

I felt her pull me into the tall grass around us and climb on top of me. I looked up to see her silhouette in the moonlight, pinning me down by the arms.

Y/N: *blushes* Ya-Yang, this seems a-a little inappropriate you know, what if someone sees us?

Yang: *looks around* I don't see anyone around us... so let's get back to the feast shall we?

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