Just Tired

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Location: Professor Port's Class

Professor Port: So then I grabbed that Beowolf by the arm and tossed hi-

Port was cut off by the doors to his class being opened. Weiss entered the room, dark lines, signs of a lack of sleep were apparent under her eyes. She walked quietly over to her seat next to the rest of Team RWBY, who sat in the row behind me.

Professor Port: Ms, Schnee quite good of you to join us. I must inquire though, you're normally on time if not early to class. What has transpired that has caused you to be late today?

Weiss: Hm? O-oh of course. My apologies Professor Port, I just overslept is all.

Professor Port: Ah yes, the classic case of the overworking student. Well Ms, Schnee let's try to prevent another incident like this from happening shall we?

Weiss: Yes sir.

Professor Port: Right. As I was saying, I grabbed that Beowolf by the arm and...

His voice faded out as I turned my attention to my scroll. I began texting Weiss while trying to keep my scroll hidden under the table from Port.

(On Scroll)Y/N: Hey, are you doing alright?

(On Scroll)Weiss: I'm fine Y/N, like I said, I just overslept.

(On Scroll)Y/N: You look super exhausted, are you sick?

(On Scroll)Weiss: No Y/N, I'm just tired, can we talk about this later? I would like to focus on the lesson.

(On Scroll)Y/N: Of course, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You're my girlfriend and I just wanted to make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard.

(On Scroll)Weiss: I. SAID. I'm. fine!

That last message hit different, it seems as if she's angry at me? Perhaps I'm just reading too much into it. I know I can be very easily irritated when I don't get enough sleep either. I closed my scroll and made a mental note to check up on Weiss later today.

Professor Port: Mr, L/N?

Y/N: Yes Professor?

Professor Port: It seems you were occupied just now with other more 'important matters' than this class?

Y/N: No, I'm sorry Port, my friend needed something and I h-

He stuck his hand up to stop me from continuing my excuse.

Professor Port: You can make up this little incident by helping me with a demonstration today.

Y/N: Sure, why not.

I got out of my chair and walked onto the main floor where Port stood. He nodded and walked off into another room. A minute or so later he came out with a crate, growls were accompanied by something shaking the crate around. This is generally how he had us make up for mishaps in his class. It's never anything dangerous, a young Boarbatusk or Nevermore. The main catch is we aren't allowed to use our weapons against these Grimm. Ports always been a big fan of flashy and entertaining fights, which makes sense since he himself will spend whole class sessions rambling about his battles back in his youth. As to why he has us fight with no weapon is because it forces us to get creative with the ways we take out the Grimm. The most recent student who had to do this was Cardin Winchester, who slayed a young Nevermore by delivering a brutal knee to the creatures jaw.

Professor Port: Ladies and gentlemen, as you know I am a lover of the theatrics of battle. I love watching a good fight, especially one with action and flashiness.

Each time he used an adjective, he'd strike a pose to show just how much passion he has for this kind of stuff. As silly and admittedly unprofessional it is, I think it's universally what most students enjoy about his class.

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