Comforting Darkness

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Location: Beacon Academy Dorms

I ran into my dorm, hastily closing and locking the door behind me. I sat down on the floor to breathe and begin to piece together everything that had just transpired over the last hour...

Y/N: Damnit! I can't think about anything other than them! I don't even know if they're still alive, but why the hell should I care?! They cheated on me, stabbed me in the back, betrayed my trust, and used my love! Then again... I can't help but feel so empty. I understand now that they don't love me, and for all I know never have... so why do I feel so bad for them?!

The room grew cold rapidly, as if Vale had skipped over Summer and Fall, welcoming in Winter with open arms. I slowly got up to go to my bed, but a loud snap, followed up by a sharp pain quickly coursed through my body. I fell to the floor and found myself unable to get back up. I turned over to my right shoulder and saw a large syringe had been stuck into my side. Everything began to get colder and the pain became even worse, I couldn't even move my body to remove the syringe from my arm. I could faintly hear footsteps approaching my dorm and I tried to crawl away so I could hide. No matter how hard I tried to move though, my body wouldn't let me, everything only became colder and more painful. I heard the door to my dorm open behind me, looking up to see a shadow looming over me.

???: *from a distance* Is the target neutralized Clover?

Clover: Secured, but not neutralized. *under breath* Damnit James... what have you made us do to him, he's just a kid.

???: *from a distance* Do you need backup Clover?

Clover: Yes, I need both of yours assistance immediately.

I could barely keep my eyes open, the pain and chills growing worse by the minute. Two more shadows emerged by the first one that stood in between them. I faintly saw one of the shadows raise their hands to their mouth in shock, while the other turned their head away from my body.

???: H-he's just a child... Ironwood never told us we were sent to kill a kid!

???: I don't believe this, the General wouldn't lie to us about our mission, he never has! If we search around, I'm sure we can find the evidence that proves he's our targ-

Clover: Harriet, you know we can't deny the truth that lays before us. Ironwood had us execute a kid, we don't know what caused him to lie about this operation, but it's not our place to question his command. The best we can do right now is comfort the target in front of us and make his death as painless as possible. Elm, carry him to his bed, Harriet, try and search around for any painkillers or medication to ease his pain.

I felt my body be lifted off the ground and could faintly make out a woman's face with short black hair tied in a ponytail. She kept looking at me with an mixed expression of worry and sadness as she gently lowered me into my bed. A man with blue eyes and short spiked brown hair came over placing his hand on the woman's shoulder.

Clover: Is he doing alright Elm?

Elm: I-I don't know, he's still breathing and conscious, but his heart rate is dangerously low. I thought the scientists the serum would only nullify his semblance...Why would they lie to us, why would HE lie to us?!

Clover: Perhaps they didn't expect us to check who he was before killing him, thinking we'd just see him hit the floor and finish the mission assigned. As for General Ironwood, I can't imagine why he wouldn't tell us the truth.

They both turned back to me as my breathing became more raspy and shortened. My vision was blurry, but I could make out another figure walk out of my bathroom with some bottles in their hands.

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