The Ultimatum

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Ozpin's POV
Location: Beacon's Headmasters Office

Ozpin: I understand your concern James, but it's too late for us to go through with such a thing. He's already developed deep bonds with Team RWBY, and if something is to go wrong during your operation, it could very well only make things worse.

Ironwood: That doesn't mean a damn thing Oz, all of Beacon and possibly Remnant could be at risk now! The sooner we get him out of here and sealed away, the better chance we'll have at keeping him away from Salem!

Ozpin: That's still far too dangerous for us to risk losing him on the trip to Atlas. You and I both know that Salem will launch an all out offensive on your cruisers to get him.

Ironwood: My ships and men are ready for whatever she could possibly throw at us.

I sighed and lowered my head in defeat, there is no convincing James of getting off his high horse that the army of Atlas can beat Salem. He knows deep down as well that even with everything he has, it still can't even begin to rival her forces. His shadow loomed over my desk in a trusting yet condescending manner.

Ironwood: *sigh* If it'll make you feel any better Oz, I'll call in more of my ships to transport Y/N back to Atlas.

Ozpin: That won't do us much good either. It was already hard enough convincing the people and council that the cruisers you brought for the Vytal Festival were acting as mere security and air patrol. How do you think they'd react if we called in double the fleet that's already outside? Not to mention, Salem herself might catch on if she hasn't already to what we're trying to accomplish, and strike us down quicker than we can react.

Ironwood: Then what do you propose we do?! You know just as well as I do that those four little- little... *sighs* We both know if he finds out about what they've done he'll be too weak to resist Salem's control.

Ozpin: I am fully aware of the situation James, but we must tread carefully at this time. With the Vytal Festival just around the corner, it's going to be near impossible keeping track of every visitor that arrives here in Beacon.

Ironwood: You believe Salem would try to sneak into Beacon Academy, hiding herself amongst the swarm of incoming people?

Ozpin: Perhaps not Salem herself, but she is very deceitful and quite manipulative. I would be on high alert for any visitor who may seem like they're wondering off farther than they should from the Festival's district.

Ironwood: I'll have my new Atlesian Knights patrol every corner of Vale, I'll ensure our enemies will feel our strength.

Ozpin: You must be discrete with security James, we mustn't raise concerns with the people or alert Salem we're aware of her intentions. Have your units stick to the shadows and only act when you're certain you've found an infiltrator.

Ironwood nodded and began to walk away, reaching into his jacket and taking a swig from his flask. When he reached the elevator doors, he turned back to me with a look of worry masqueraded by a false stern gaze.

Ironwood: I know you have tasked Ms, Nikos and her team with keeping close surveillance on Y/N. If you wish, I can have some of my stealth model AK-130's take their job and relieve them of that duty. They are only children after all Oz...

Ozpin: *shakes head* He doesn't need to feel anymore of an outcast than he already does. Surrounding him with humans rather than walking metal ensures he at the very least he feels wanted and welcomed by some people.

Ironwood: And if our enemies break through my security and reach him? You can't tell me you expect those four, despite how capable they are, to take on Salem's elites?

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