3. Noting our love

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Maura and I are awake and in bed. "Maura what do you want to do for fun.  It has to be something we will always remember of our time here." Let's eat breakfast, go workout downstairs than maybe I will have an idea." We eat our omelettes,  toast and drink our orange juice. We head down stairs to the hotel's gym. The concierge sees us. "How are you ladies doing this morning.  If I can do anything let me know." The door opens and Jane walks out and looks at me like come on. "Jane I will catch up on a few. "Max,  (concierge) do you know of any reputable tattoo parlors around here?" Max gives me the name. "Maura ask for Marty, tell him I sent you."  "Thanks Max."  I  leave the elevator and meet up with Jane. "What was all that about?"  " I needed to get a reputable place and asked Max. You asked me to think of something that can be fun and memorable.  I  have an idea. I will pay for them but its going to be painful. I  was thinking we could get tattoos that will deal with our future careers.  What do you think?"   " I am in. You know my MA will kill me, but I am eighteen now. We will have to decide where because it will be permanent."  Jane and I  worked out for awhile and went upstairs to take quick showers. Maura called uber and we waited downstairs for them. Maura gives the driver the name of the tattoo parlor and the address.

.The Boston Tattoo Company
260 Elm St Unit 102
We arrive and I ask for Marty.  " Marty my friend was referred by Max from the Boston Hilton. We would like a tattoo and we know what we want."  " I need to see your identifications that prove your 18 years or older and for each of you to read and sign this release form. " We handed him our id's and read the release form and signed them.  Jane explains where she wants hers and what she wants on it.  Jane tells him we have been friends for years are on our way soon to two different colleges. Marty was very friendly. "I  hope you two stay friends.  This will definitely trust your relationship being so far away."  We agreed with him.
Marty continues to talk to Jane for a bit to calm her anxiety down. "Marty I am ready." Marty was quick and finished hers in an hour.

Jane wanted this tattoo on her right inner area of her thigh

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Jane wanted this tattoo on her right inner area of her thigh. I smiled when I saw the location. I  knew exactly why she chose that area. Marty handed her some gel and explained how often and how to care for it.
I was next. Marty told me mine would take longer to do because it had more solid areas in it.  I  held Maura's hand while she got hers. I  knew when it was painful. She would squeeze my hand tighter.  Marty knew it was hurting Maura more than I. He took a break and handed us some bottled water to drink  My tattoo took close to over two hours because of the break gave me.  I had mine placed on my left side partially above my waist and the rest below.

  I had mine placed on my left side partially above my waist and the rest below

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Our tattoos had the year we graduated from high school and our name. Jane's tattoo on the spiral had Jane and Maura while mine said Maura ♡ Jane.
Marty wished us well.  We walked to a nearby  sandwich shop and ordered sandwiches,  tea and a side salad. We both could feel the pain still. We had one more day and half left.  We called for uber and went back to the hotel. We both decided we stay in the room for the night and would only go downstairs to eat dinner. Jane removed her shoes and shorts while I removed my sandals and skirt.  We applied the gel. Jane laid her head in my lap while we binged watched Lost girls.  We fell asleep and woke up for dinner. Maura's tattoo was hurting her.
" Maura I know you grew to dress proper in restaurants but tonight isn't one of those nights.  Its just us. Wear this instead." I hand her my sweat pants that could be loose around her waist while I wore my other Adidas sweat pants. We went to the dining area and ordered our dinners. I ordered a double  turkey burger with the works, onion rings and a strawberry milk shake and asked for a carafe of cold water. Maura ordered salmon with risotto and side salad with blue cheese and a ice tea. "Jane I don't want us to go without talking at least every other day.  If school and our social life gets busy,  we still need to keep in contact at least once a week." I  agreed because we didn't know how school would be but for sure it wouldn't be easy.
We finished our dinners and order one banana split to share.  We decided to go for a walk around the hotel roof and to take in the stars.  " Maura stay here. I will be back in a few. "  Jane returned with bottled water, pillows, comforter and blankets. I  laughed when I saw what she brought.  " Well don't stand there help me." I  removed the bottles and placed them on the rooftop ground and grabbed the comforter and laid it down but doubled it first. Jane tosses the pillows down and I grab the water bottles.  Jane and I remove our shoes and sweat pants and put more gel on our tattoos. I cover Jane and I up and we just stare at the stars til late in the early morning.  We end up falling asleep. I woke up having to go to the restroom. I  wake up Jane and we place our sweats back on and tennis shoes and pick up everything Jane brought out to the roof. Maura hands me everything and runs to the elevator and I am guessing running as quick as she can to our bathroom in the hotel. I finally make it to our room and keep the comforter off the bed. I place the pillows and blankets back onto the bed. Maura comes out of the bathroom. " Are you okay?"  " Yeah, I barely made it though but made it."   We cuddle after removing our shirts and bras and sweat pants and socks.  We cuddled but was cautious not to touch the tattoos areas after we applied more gel.

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