46. Rizzoli's angry

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Samantha came in the bedroom.  " Babe talk to me what is wrong?"  "My fucking father cheated on my MA.  He didn't pay the taxes and she lost our childhood home because he couldn't keep his fucking vowels.  None of us knew how Nani found out.  She purchased a home for my mother that is being gutted to have the team room and her bedroom replicated. My mother will get all those two room furnishes and the exercise equipment. She also paid the past taxes. My parents are divorcing.  I need to hurry and change to take my brothers to work out." Jane was getting angrier.   I  exited the room and told Maura that Jane would eventually be down, but she needed to calm down before taking all her anger out.  Jane I saw what she did to herself after only five minutes after she realized your NANI was dying. Deb please go.help Maura to make sure her brothers are okay.  Maura please have someone bring ice pack and first aid kit. I been here too long." I  return to the bedroom and sure enough Jane is hitting the door while I was gone. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back from the door. "Babe I know you are hurting but this is not the way."  I held her while her mother brought the ice pack and first aid kit and did basic first aid. "Jane Clementine Rizzoli,  I know you are hurting but doing this only hurts you  baby girl."  I left after changing to be with the others in the exercise room. Joey was holding the kick boxing bag while Tommy was kicking it hard.  Deb was wrapping one hand while Maura did the other so Frankie could hit the speed ball.  "Samantha is Jane alright?"  "She will be Frankie. Is it a Rizzoli thing to hit an object when your angry?"  "Sorta did she punch the door ?"  "Yes."
"Samantha you will soon learn us Rizzoli's hit bags, walls, speed balls and pillows.  I suggest you buy her some gloves and kick boxing bag for your new place. I know she will need it.  She will get better like we always do."  "Frankie,  I will make sure we have  that. How are you and Tommy doing?" "Hurting but this will pass too.I am glad we won't have to worry about where we will live now because of my father that my MA didn't deserve. She is the one parent in all three of lives that has been there for us. Please look out for my sister."  I shake Samantha's hand only because she is new to us. "Maura do you have the address of the studio. I need to order gloves and a kick boxing bag for Jane and some other exercise equipment too for us."  "I  see Frankie told you and yes, I will do that later on in a text. How bad was she?"   "A few abrasions and swollen hands. I  just came to check on her brothers. We probably stay in the  room for the rest of the night. Will it be okay to eat dinner up there?" "Yes, I will have someone bring your dinner. She is going to need your support big time.  Moving to Boston soon will help her anxiety too because family means everything to her. If you need help, let me know."  "I will thank you." I  go to the kitchen to get some  bottles of water and Ice tea.
I am going back upstairs and Mrs. Rizzoli is coming down. "Samantha she will be staying in the room for the rest of the day. Please take care of baby girl."  " I  will Mrs. Rizzoli.  I already informed Maura that I had a feelong she wouldn't want to see others."  " Jane open the door please.  My hands are full." Jane opens the door and grabs the ice teas and sets them down on the coffee table in the bedroom. "Jane your  brothers are doing what you did but safer. Deb and Maura were wrapping Frankie's hands for the speed bag and Tommy has a serious kick. Joey is holding the bag as best as he can be. Frankie asked how bad your hands were and strongly encouraged me to order a kicking boxing bag and gloves.  Let us log in and see what you prefer as well as other exercise equipment. Maura will text me the address later on of the property. I will order the items so when we get back, we will begin packing up our two places and figure what we are keeping and donating. I  will contact a moving company and we will follow them to Boston to our new place.  I am excited and scared as I told you as before, but you will be closer to your family." I hug Jane. We log in and she finds what she wants,  I want and agree on the other items.  "I am going to give my home office future to Joey so he doesn't have to buy it. I don't know the dimension of the new office so it will have to wait. Tomorrow, lets all go out, you and Maura can show us around  after you two get some of your stuff done.  I  have a conference call myself in the morning."  Maura text me the address and I placed the order in and asked them to wait two weeks before they send it because we were in the processing of settling things before we moved. I had used a company that is familiar with me. Jane eventually fell asleep.  I went downstairs to speak with Joey to start finalizing my exit from his studio and set up some interviews when he gets back this week so he can start training her with the outline I emailed him when I knew our move was moved up. Joey, Maura, Deb and I went for a walk on  the grounds to get our exercise in. Deb has been working with Jane and I every other day. We went back in as it was getting closer to dinner and Jane maybe waking up. Doris had the trays ready for us.  Susie helped me bring the food up. I  called out "Jane get up Susie and I have our dinner." It looked like Jane took a shower because her hair was wet. " Susie thank you." "I will be back shortly with another ice pack." 
I  was enjoying seeing my boys play games after dinner with the Fifths. Tommy and George were having a serious game of chess. Tonight was their last night before they start to pack to move. We had one more day along with Joeyz Samantha,Deb and Roger rabbit before we flew back to the states. Initially Jane said Deb and their upcoming moves they decided they needed to get back.   All of my kids and the others went to bed early. I was talking to myself out loud speaking  to Linda as if she was with me in the room. " I  don't  know why you are treating me and my family well..I appreciate it, but I only looked out for Maura and still do because she needs guidance. I just hope I  doing a good job. I am glad she sees me as another mother. I  have seen her as my daughter for years. Linda continue to watch over them.   I  don't understand why they need security but I guess that is a rich thing."  "Mrs. Rizzoli I didn't mean to eavesdrop,but you are another mother to me. You looked out for me more than Constance. I did tell Nani that.  I don't know how Nani found out about Mr. Rizzoli but glad my nani is doing what she doing for you. The contractor called me. Your home is way ahead of schedule.  You should be able to move in two weeks. I don't know how long you have in your home but I will pay for a hotel for you three instead of going with your sister as I know the boys don't care for kids too much. Just think of it as mini vacation but in Boston. I am going to go back upstairs with my water. good night."  Mrs. Rizzoli thanked me and hugged me. As soon as Maura went upstairs,  I went to my room to sleep.

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