61. I am happy

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I  wake up and make us breakfast in bed. I wake up Jane and Sam so we can eat the sour dough toast with jam, coffee, pine apple juice and Spanish omelettes.  I was happy that they enjoyed the breakfast. "Jane we need to get out of bed and dressed.  The office furniture I ordered will be here soon.  Once we get it all set up,  I can hang up my pictures and put the shelves books, other decor for the shelves and your photo up like I had in my office of you in Pennsylvania.   Also,  I need to call Joey to see how he is doing and if he hooked up with Annabel or not."  I  left to take the tray and  other items back to the kitchen to clean up the mess I made. Jane and I took a quick shower and joined Maura in the kitchen.We hear the buzz.  Sam buzzed them in and she was like a little kid on Christmas morning.  Maura and I were happy to see this side of her as we both smiled at her. The Guys brought her desk, files and bookcase unit and other decor in. With us working together we were done in an hour.
I  was happy to see my office finally  done.

"Jane and Sam the studio in its entirety looks awesome

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"Jane and Sam the studio in its entirety looks awesome."
"I  need you Jane to drop me off at the Chevrolet dealership.  I want to get myself an SUV that has nothing to do with the studio and  we can use for trips that we need space for too when it's not just us two. I  should be back hopefully before lunch.  We can break it in too. We need to have a day of relaxing before next week when we get too busy.  Maura and Jane you two plan on the day while I am gone."  "Let's go to the beach and take a picnic lunch," says Jane. " I  guess we have a plan after all," says Maura.
Jane drives me to the dealership.  "Babe I am glad we have a gated area to park. We could have our own dealership soon with five vehicles now.  We can call it 2013, since all our vehicles purchased in 2o13 under two months all paid off?" Samantha laughs.  " Sounds good to me.  We are blessed for sure."  Jane gets out and kisses me. "I  need to let these men know you are taken. " I  laugh and Jane leaves.  I  look around and a sales  lady approaches me. "She definitely made a statement to the men that you are taken.  You just broke all these men hearts and mine too. What can  Janice help you with?"  " Yes,  she did indeed. I  would like to test this SUV but do you have it green?"  " Yes,  I  will bring it out for... sorry but nameless no problem will be back with one we got last night. "  "Sorry nameless is Samantha Hough.  Nice line though but taken ad you know." " Yes my loss Samantha. "  I  think to myself if au wasn't taken by three beautiful ladies. I  would take her out for a drink." Janice hands me the keys.  "Janice  this is  what I will pay for it  and what I expect to be included in the sale.  i won't haggle with you.  I  did my research and you still will get a nice commission because I will be writing a check for the full amount and I have excellent credit. "  "A beautful lady who knows what she wants. Deal.I don't need to check with no one.  This is my dealership.I   will have my assistant write up the sale and it will be ready when we get back. stop at the next gas station so they can top off the tank for you. Sanantha if you ever are single come back and I will take you to the Empire hotel even though the food is par?"  "Why do you say par? What do you not like about the food and why there?"  "I like the atmosphere m, the service is excellent but the owner needs to find a better chef. The food doesn't have a refined taste like the Boston Marriott. "
" Thank you and I am working on finding a better chef. I am glad you enjoy everything else.  I  worked hard on it."  " So you own it. Beautiful and successful too."  " You are a little charmer like your style." We make it back to the dealership  and Janice hands me her personal card which I hand her back. She smiles and nods.  I sign the contract and complete what I want my plate to say. Janice checks to see if its available. " Samantha all goof. It was my pleasure to serve you personally." I chuckle and leave. I drive back home and tell the gals.  "Wow,  even after I kissed you she still tried. At least she sees the beauty I see. " Sam goes abd gets changed. " Jane I agree. We can get angry but it won't change anything. We have her and she loves us is what matters.  Please don't let your who blow today. I toss Jane the keys to drive. We pack up my new vehicle.

We make it to the beach and relax after we eat

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We make it to the beach and relax after we eat. We put sunscreen on each other..We stayed at the beach for four hours than returned back home.  Maura falls asleep on the couch laying her head on my lap while Samantha was sitting next to me cuddling and kissing me.  I  wake up and Sam and Jane are asleep. I get up and start dinner. Sam comes in and kisses me. " Maura I am going to bring out the telescope so we can look at the stars and check to see if we can see the meteorite tonight. " Jane finally wakes up and kisses us both.  "It figures you wake up after the food is ready.  You get clean up duty lazy butt."  " Yeah,  whatever I am hungry. " We each serve ourselves  basil chicken,  trench bread, green beans and side mixed green salad with pink lemonade and a bottle of water. Sam tells us Joey did hook up with Annabel and they are enjoying going out together.  Maura just nods her head. We enjoyed the evening and Jane took a few beautiful pics of the meteorite and us three. While Jane was doing the dishes, I spoke to Sam. " Green for you and I. Yes,  I picked up on it right away when I saw it.  "  Sam kisses me.  Jane says she is going to sleep in the guest room to actually sleep and "you two stay in the master bedroom do whatever."  We kissed her good night while we stayed out watching the moon and than headed to bed cuddling only. 

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