19. One day get away

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Jane and I pack our bags and we leave for one of my families beach properties for Sunday day of fun. Jane is driving and I tell her why I am stressed.  " Wow, maybe the therapist can see us both.  Its not fair of your father to expect you to keep his affair a secret nor should you.  If he decides to take away the credit cards which I don't see your mother allowing it and they really cannot do anything to you financially because how your Nani still helps you. I want you to call your Nani too before we get there and get her input on it."  Jane drive us and I call my Nani Isles.  Jane holds my hand the entire time like we use to when either of us had problems.   I  have Nani on speaker through Jane's speaker's.  Jane congrats on your car. I know the band why you got the car but won't say anything as I know  confidentiality is important in business and you want to do well in photography and our so far. "  " Thank you Nani Isles it is and I am having my panic attacks again." " Oh geez both my little girls are hurting.  You two enjoy your tattoo updates and I will deal with my son.  I will always take care of you Maura financially and well being while I am still alive. Maura you turn off your cell and ONLY use JANE'S if you need too be safe my girls and I love you both. Jane you keep me updated on your progress with the therapist.  Don't worry neither of your parents will finf out about your panic attacks from me but keep me informed.  I will talk to my son and eventually make it to the states to see you. love you too the moon." "Thank you and we love you too." Jane ends the call. She continues to hold my hand until we arrive at my families beach house or shall I say one of many. We get out after Jane locks her Honda with the pedal lock and we go inside with our luggage. " Jane thank you. Nani will address it. I feel better lets get ready for bed.  Maura sleeps nude as usual  be tween by legs running her hand on my stomach under my shirt like she always has. We nod off. We wake up in the morning. We feel rested and make breakfast.   " Maura you have the name of the tattoo artist . I will  put it my gps when we  get in the car. In the meantime, let's walk on the beach to enjoy it before we leave for the parlor."  MAURA AND I WALK HAND IN HAND LIKE WE ALWAYS DO SINCE CHILDHOOD. WE SIT ON THE BEACH SUDE BY SIDE AND WE TALK.  " MAURA I WAS THINKING WHAT JOEY SAID LAST NIGHT. I KNOW WHY I SLEPT BETTER.  I WANT TO GO BACK BE GIRLFRIENDS AGAIN IF YOU HAVE ME. LET'S GO SLOWLY THOUGH WHAT DO YOU THINK?"  " Jane I  do like that but let's have an open relationship one. We both continue to be with each other and when we are around one another we are just with one another but when we are away from others we can date and sleep with others. I personally feel the distance relationship for me at least was too hard because I was missing having sex.  I don't mean screwing everyone.  We find one person who is open to us knowing we are together.  I see you still being with maybe Samantha if she is open to it and me I will look for someone new.  I  know  Jillian who ai cheated with you would be open but I don't want to be with her.  I allowed you to be hurt with Jillian and I. I don't want that being thrown in your face constant.  i want to start fresh. I think even Joey might approve.  PLEASE call Joey and ask him first and get his input before you bring it up to Samantha. " Jane has her cell on her. " Good morning Joey. Maura and I both have given what you said last night some thought.  Maura and I would still be together but see only one other each other.  We will be honest with the person we will go to each others city to see each other.  Maura knows I still love Samantha. Maura is thinking Samantha may be open to this but wants your input before I say anything to Samantha..If you don't agree or think we are wrong,  I won't say anything to her. " " Jane if you two are okay with and are upfront with each other one person of its Samantha or some other gal,  I think this will okay as long as you are faithful to two people only. You both are still young and need the intimacy and of course sex.  I think you two are going by it the mature way, but you two need to be real honest if its not working to stop and be honest with all involved.  If your other partner cannot handle it, they need to be honest too. Your parents.siblings. friends and other family members may not like it so be prepared for that too.  Just be sensitive when either one of you come across the other gal. i wouldn't go duscuss with the other person your sexual behavior and intimate details with each other.  Good luck on whatever you two decide on. This also may atop your panic attacks.  I personally think last  night was caused because you wanted to ahare the news with Samantha but that is my opinion. "  Maura asks and says,  " Jane is that true.  Your attacks are around your feelings for us both.  Joey may be  correct." 
" Yeah, I just didn't want to admit it  outloud to you Maura. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. "  : Jane if this is going to work, you have to be honest. Even if it may hurt my feelings. I will always love you no matter what.  If irs as a girlfriend, lover,  fiance. or just as a friend." "Jane she is right.  You have to be open and honest or this will not work." We agree said in unison to him thank you.  Jane ended the call.  " Jane let's go get the tattoos.  I will still go with you on Monday if you need to or you  could wait to see how you do. If you choose not to go and have another panic attack. You need to tell us. us being me. Joey, Samantha. and maybe another gal." Jane hugs and kisses me.  We leave to go to the tattoo parlor.

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