13. Sexual lessons

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I wake up more sore than last night and before.  Samantha is cute asleep. I go get one of my camera's and take photos for me only. Samantha wakes up as I putting my camera down. " Jane do you have any school work to do or studying?" " No I am almost game to do anything that wont exert me too much. What do you have in mind?" " First lay on your stomach. I want to relax you some because I know last night you got hurt.  Maybe down the road, when you get more experience that length and size won't hurt but no promises.  Everyone has a different width and depth.  I am not going to enter you at all not not sure but it doesn't mean I can't massage,  bite, lick and nibble on your gorgeous body."  "I  ₩ill be kind not to take it on your neck, shoulders and arms because of the jobs but your chest, back, legs and stomach well I won't be."  Samantha left some small and others dark hickeys.  She continued  to kiss me and taste me. I will get her tbough and Jane will laugh when she sees my artwork. 'No guy left it in hickeys. My lips were having fun and Jane enjoyed it but I surely did. " Yes, you will." Samantha giggled like a teenager.  We cuddled alot and Jane enjoyed that.  I tickled her alot.  I will Admit I enjoyed acting like a little kid even though I was six years older. 
" Lets get up and test drive some vehicles. After wards we can play at the beach and Joey said he would meet us at both."   I liked how even though Joey Hough was my employer he looked out for me like an older brother. He wasn't stupid and knew I was being screwed physically by Samantha. " Jane your mother was brutal with the questions and I survived and your hickeys did amuse me. She probably got you back."  "Yeah she did but the wording of the tattoo was funny and cute. NO GUY LEFT THESE. "  " Yeah she can be mischievous at times. Its the Hough in her.  I hope you brought a camera?"  I nodded.  " I brought a manual camera with film. I am going to have some fun with you two. I will print them out. Thank you for allowing me to add plumbing in the spare bedroom. I will enjoy printing these out the old way."  We test drove several Jeeps and Hondas. " Have you figured which one you will eventually get? I know you saved and spent several thousand in the move. Here is a check for your work and other shots not of Demi. I am glad you cancelled your date. My little sister is better for you even though she isn't well off like Demi or well known."  " I like this one here."  Jane said she liked the 2013 Honda.

 " You will have to be careful with this one

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" You will have to be careful with this one. Car thieves love it too. A car alarm,  lug locks,  gas lock and an oldie but goodie lock from your gas peddle to the steering wheel may deter a thief. You sure this one you want? I pay you well and you make a decent money from the pizza place. I am going to cosign for you and get you a good deal but make sure you get gap insurance okay. Gap will pay off the remainder if its totalled. You will have four years to pay it off, but I don't see you waiting that long. Your parents may even help you. I  suggest you don't blast your music while driving on the streets. Even though I am your employer, I see you as family.  I take care of my family as you see with Samantha.  Its up to you if you want to save more or get it now?"
" To be honest, Can we come back when I make two better checks off of my shots, I will have it. If there is plumbing that needs to be done at any of your properties,  I  will give you a good rate, preferably in cash so I don't have to claim it. You will have ro buy the supplies and tools I will need. My father I know won't lend those to me, because he needs those for his jobs."  " I actually do have some properties that need some new piping installed. So you learned from your father?"  " Yup,  new toilets. sinks,  piping,  unplugging,  replacing parts in toilets,  stuff like that I can do. Just give me time is what I  need with two months left of school and my jobs. Once school is over with I will be picking up some work doing weddings and other events. I am already printed out my business cards (JR Studio). My goal is by the time I am 25 to have my own business opened back in Boston. I wouldn't want to give you competition in Pennsylvania.  I have more knowledge and know more people there. I will  start off small out of my apartment than move into a place.  I will have the business below me . The first floor the office and entrance,  the second floor the studio and my living area. I like brick  buildings. I even have it drawn out and put it in my laptop. I can show you if you like one day."  " Jane I didn't know that so you won't stay in Pennsylvania?  My loss for sure," says Samantha.  " I like that Jane, " says Joey.   We head off to the beach.  Joey goes surfing too. Joey treats us for dinner at a seafood restaurant. I am one for clam  chowder and lobster. Samantha and I get back to our place. Jane I will be by later to see the pictures. "  She kisses me bye. I go up to my place and start working on the prints.
I like how they come out.

I like how they come out

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Samantha knocks on my door and has the mixings for a hot fudge sundae

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Samantha knocks on my door and has the mixings for a hot fudge sundae.  "Leave that stuff here and come with me."  " Oh Jane,   I like the black and white one. When I am making us some hot fudge sundaes  put on a movie plesse and bring your lap top. I would like to see your future studio. " I  do what she asks.  " I cannot stay up too late, I have an early class and you know I am not a morning person." " I love this..I  had no idea you planned that far ahead."  We finish the hot fudge sundae and we cuddle on the couch.  Jane's breathing  changes.  I look at her and see she fell asleep.  I try to wake her. " No Maura I need my sleep babe."  WOW,  she is dreaming about Maura. I finally get her to wake up. "Jane I thought you might want to sleep alone tonight,  since you were dreaming about Maura."  I walk away and Jane comes after me,  grabs me and picks me up. She lucked her bedroom door. She takes off her clothes. " Smantha I need you with me in me. I am sorry you heard me call her name. She will always have a piece of my heart that won't change but it doesn't mean that I don't care about you" I want to leave so bad but I stay. I am attached to Jane and dream about only her when I think of who I love m I no longer dream about my ex fiance that I never told her about. I  remove my clothes. " Jane no lesson tonight. You do what you want." Jane and I made love for once not fucking.  She made me feel beautiful inside and out. Samantha fell asleep on top of me. I think about next weekend.  I still want Maura but my feelings for Samantha are growing.  I kiss Samantha on her cheek and nod off.

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