92..Arrive at beach house

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It's late but Deb answers the door. "We waited up since your phone call Jane. Let's go inside. I am making us some coffee.  I  have a feeling its going to be a late one or more precise an early one. " Maura is walking better on her own and looking better. " I turned the decks heat lamps lets go out there to talk." Deb and Jane carry our coffees out to the deck. Deb goes in and brings some blankets outside and extra pillows.

We  stay outside until sunrise

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We  stay outside until sunrise. " Sam now that you know what do you want to do?"  "I need to find out who has it in for Joey. His attorney stated the trial shouldn't go longer than a week.I  just sold his home to get you back your money.  I should have a check ready for you this week.  I got a pretty penny for it. I will have to ask him if he wants another house or what. His studio is still available.  I removed everything else off the market. I need to make this right for him for us."  " Sam you did nothing wrong. You thought he was guilty. We all did  with the evidence they had against him."  "He can stay at the condo. He is going to be hounded by the paparazzi for awhile and the condo is gated. He can park his vehicle in the garage.  They won't know if he's there or not. I know we are all tired lets get some sleep."  "  You two can stay downstairs in the master bedroom. We can figure out what to do next later on."


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Chubby and I were up early and waiting in the courtroom for Joey to arrive

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Chubby and I were up early and waiting in the courtroom for Joey to arrive. " Christopher sees me come in. "Joey what's really going on? You have Sam not being herself.  Many wouldn't pick up on it, but I did. I don't want her hurt anymore. "  "Chris I cannot talk in here but everything will work out. I never lied to you. Please leave and go to her and don't let her go anywhere qith out. She needs you too."  We leave immediately.  My cell  vibrates and its Ludicris calling me. "Jane What is Maura's address we will be there asap?"
" Why what's wrong?"  " I spoke to Joey. He told me to go to Sam and not let her out of my sight. I am on my way..I am hiring mercenaries to help keep you all safe."  I give him the address.  "Sam wake up meet me In Maura's room. " I tell the guards we all need to talk.I  don't even knock on Maura's door and open it.  Whew she is dressed in loungewear at least.  " Maura Deb wake up Now. " Samantha and the security come in my bedroom  "WHAT'S GOING ON?"  "I just got a call from LUDICROUS.  He spoke to Joey.  He is on his way now with hired mercenaries to keep us safe.  He said Joey told him not let Samantha out if his sight." 
The security detail leader calls for more back up to bring extra weapons and ammo. Maura and the rest of us are scared.  One of the security ladies is carrying my little sister and Hope follows.: I need you all to lock yourselves up in the bathroom. Don't come out until one of gets you.  No exception.  YOUR lives depends on it." He hands Jane a gun with extra magazines.  We all enter the bathroom and lock the door. Caitlyn is crying and Hope is doing her best to keep her quiet. Deb asks if she could hold her. Deb has her stopped crying in no time.Deb and always been good with little one's. In highschool she earned enough in her freshman and sophomore year to buy a camaro. All of a sudden we hear pounding on the door and a man's voice we don't recognize. "Come out now to avoid more blood shed. We only want Samantha Hough." Jane racks the gun. "No you are not leaving. We just need to pray Ludicris gets here soon. "  With my bedroom door being open we could here all sorts of gun fire. Chubby bangs on the door. " You can come out now but we must leave now." Hope covers Caitlyn eyes because of the blood shed.Get your identifications , medications and bags packed." Christopher comes and hugs Jane and I. " I  will take that from you. " I hand Ludicris the gun and he clears the gun and takes all the magazines.  Deb MAURA ,Sam and Jane. I need you to grab the security guards wallets and weapons.  We want to slow the officers knowing who they are. We do what he says and leave in armored vehicles with no windows. Christopher and Chubby get in the vehicle with us.  "Sam I don't know who Joey pissed off, but he knew you were in trouble.  I only came because ita you and he has never lied to me.I am  taking you to my old hood. We will be safe there. The place isn't posh as you all are use to."  We barely made it out before we hear sirens blaring.  We arrive a few hours later to Christopher's old hood.  It looked at least a little bit better than the last time I was here.  There are several bedrooms for us to rest as much as possible with Bbq food out on the table with ribs, turkey and bacon burgers,  bbq wings , potato salad , chips. beer and water." We serve ourselves and Christopher and Chubby join us. " We have more Intel. Maura this appears to connect your case with this one.  Your people who tried kill you are all dead now even Mr. gall."

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