44. Together at last

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We all flew including Nani's driver, Harold Firth, back to Europe. Today would be Harold's last day as an employee of the Isles. He would be taking his family to the home Nani left him. Nani had also put in a hefty severance package for him. He did well for himself as was actually a millionaire himself using the stock tips from Nani. Actually many of Nani's staff were well off with Nani's stock tips but they stayed out of caring and loyalty to my grandparents.
" Maura we are going to land soon, the town car is there. I will drive you all to the estate. I know Mrs. Isles didn't want us to wear black to her services, but I would do it out of respect as ny farewell to swell old kind, classy lady who many were scared to speak out of line to her. I wasn't one of them and I think that is why we were close than just employee to boss. Your Nani was very generous over the years to my wife and kids. They will be there too. My wife is at the estate with my two boys and daughter who are grown and in college. The kids left their were on vacation when I called them. They all flew in last night and stayed in the guest quarters as Mrs. Isles wanted. My kids were very fond of your Nani. They saw her as her Nani too." Harold got a little misty eye and excused himself to regain his professional composure. I had a check for him that would pay off his three kids college tuition even though he was a millionaire. This was her gift to them along with some vintage watches for each one. I loved the inscription she had done for each one.. a few words of each one she had a fond memory and at the end♡Nani Isles. We landed and we all got into the town car. We arrived at the Isles estate thirty minutes later. I still wasn't sure if I would sell it, keep it, donate it as a training facility for plumbers, carpenter's and landscapers as my Nani had suggested if I didn't keep it. If I sold it, I was to take the furnishes with us back to the states for Jane and I to divide amongst ourselves. I have yet to tell Jane that but would after the reading of the will in the city

 I have yet to tell Jane that but would after the reading of the will in the city

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Harold opened my door and held his hand like always. Jane was next and then our girlfriends Joey and his dog. Yes, Joey's dog, Roger rabbit, came too. I learned later that the dog was my Nani's present to him which she named so he wouldn't be so lonely when Samantha would move with Jane to Boston. The staff hugged Jane and I as well as Harold's family. The staff took our luggage.


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