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Germany - 1941 

"How did you manage to bind her Doctor?"

Arnim Zola turned to see his superior surveying the manacles attached to the dark haired woman's wrists and ankles.

"It was not an easy task, She is a lot stronger than she looks.. Her powers are quite difficult to contain, but with the help of the cube and specialized metal I have found a way to bind her power and to drain it from her for our own uses.."

"What use will her Powers have Zola?" The being with the Red face asked.

"She has a habit of causing Chaos and destruction where ever she goes... which is probably the reason no one has come to her aid.." The Doctor glanced over the woman who was now barely conscious after being shocked with 2000 bolts of electricity. "She has powers of the mind and can manipulate almost anyone against their will, as well as being extremely strong and healing capabilities beyond that of a mortal human being. Unfortunately she refused to join us, so we had to use other means to put her powers to HYDRA's use."

"From your reports you seem to believe this woman 'immortal' correct?" 

"I am sure of it though she would not tell us much, she has survived some very strenuous testing. We have used many different types of weapons against her including a gun. Although it did injure her she did heal within a number of days. And we have been able to collect some of her power to test it, the results have been rewarding.."

"How so Doctor?" 

Red Skull walked lazily around the woman while noticing a device linked to her cuffs that connected to a cylinder. The liquid inside of it looked like blood but pulsed into wave of purple color.

"We have drawn out her essence which once administered has the power to confuse and cause disorder. It also causes the victims to come under a trance of sorts , allowing us to control them to a certain degree. Our soldier's used some to spike the fresh water supply of a british army base just outside of Poland and the results were very satisfying indeed.." A horrible grin spread across the small doctors face. He wasn't a menacing man in size or strength but you could tell he had a twisted mind and he was dangerous in other ways.

"Satisfying you say?" Red Skull was examining the cylinder with peaked interest now.

"Well within a day of spiking the water the troops all but died. The essence she produced caused some of the men to turn feral and basically kill one another. Our men said it was quite the spectacle.."

"Pity, I would have liken to see that myself.." Both men smiled at one another.

"Have you heard of what the Americans are trying to accomplish?" Zola's expression is now one of concern.

"Yes, they are trying to build an army of super soldier's. There is talk they are close to succeeding.."

"We have agents planted within their ranks. If they succeed in producing a serum we will be there to burn them to the ground before they can administer it.."

"Let us wait to see what they come up with, we may have the chance to take the serum ourselves for Hydra's own use. Considering our own attempts at creating super- soldiers have not been successful."

Zola flinched at the criticism. No matter how close they got he had not been able to successfully make a soldier with enhancements without them dying afterwards. "Yes well I would be surprised if those foolish Yanks come up with anything of use.."

"Maybe with our new friend here we won't need a serum. She may come around to help us in our mission with time.." Red skull let his fingers drift up the dark haired woman's bare arm. Even with her current bruising and injuries she was striking. 

"Maybe we will break her eventually but for now she will not help us willingly, and we can only drain her so much at a time without killing her. We will be moving her to our under ground base in Japan soon enough once we can travel without interference. The war is lasting longer than expected and Al Führer wishes to move her incase the Americans grasp our whereabouts and attack our base."

"Führer is wise, we have under estimated the Americans determination. We would not want our new prize to fall into their hands either."

The woman's eyes flicker open for a moment and her body starts to twitch. As her eyes adjust to the bright lights above her she notices the two men glaring at her. Her arms and legs flail about pulling at her metal restraints and she lets out a howl so loud the doctor covers his ears.

"RELEASE ME MORTALS!" Her yellow eyes lock onto the being with the red face and she stills for a moment.

"Listen to me witch.. You belong to HYDRA now. Either you comply.." The doctor turns on the machine close to a ECT machine with two prongs attached to it. The woman's eyes widen in fear realizing the contraption he's holding. "Or we will fry your brain until it turns to mush.."

Sweat started to develop on the woman forehead but she would not give in. She readied herself for more of the same pain that she was treated to over her last few weeks in this prison.

"Do your worst pathetic humans! When I am free you will feel my wrath and tremble before me.. you will be begging for death when I.."

Zola Places the prongs at the woman's temples and the woman's eyes scrunch together as her yelling turns silent and her body seizes with the electric current running through her brain. her teeth clench together so hard the man are surprised when they don't shatter. After a few minutes and once the woman's body stops moving Zola ceases his torture.

Her body twitches uncontrollably but the woman's eyes are rolled into the back of her head and the smell in the room is like burned rubber. Black marks cover both sides of her temples and forehead but Red skull is impressed to see she still has a pulse and the marks fading after a few minutes pass.

"She is resilient this one. With the amount of electricity going through her body she should be dead.."

Zola lets out a smarmy laugh. "If she was mortal she would be dead. But being a Goddess has its advantages.."

"Goddess? You never told me this Arnim. Goddess of what exactly?"

"Before you my friend is the Goddess of discord and strife. But I have given our newest recruit a code name incase it draws too much attention using her actual name.. The other Greek gods may trace her here if we use it. So I decided to name our new weapon here.. Envy."

"Envy.." The red skull stares over the woman's now still body with delight on his evil features. They were lucky to come across someone so powerful, as well as having the cube at their disposal it looked as though they had a huge advantage against the Americans, one which could turn the tide of the war to their favor once and for all . 

"Well Envy, Welcome to Hydra. I am sure you will be of great use to us."

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