Knocking some sense

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****ENVY's POV****

After going through the semitics of my suit the next thing I needed to do, was try it out.

I made my way to the training room only to find Thor by himself.

'Uhh. Of all the people to be here..' I turn to creep away but he spots me before I can sneak off.

"Lady Envy! Do come in!" He smiles and takes in my new outfit. "Ah I see Stark has built you new armour, it suits you!"

Reluctantly I make my way into the centre of the room stepping over some debris as I go.
"Thanks.. so what happened here? And where are the others?"

Thor throws his hammer into the air and catches it like it was a tennis ball. "Excuse the mess, I was just practising with Mjölnir, hitting some targets. It's not as fun when they are not moving.."

"That we can agree on.. why are you alone? I thought the others would be here."

"Yes well the Captain and Stark just left. They had a quarrel with Loki just before I came in ."

"What have they done now? I swear I am
Starting to come around to Loki's opinion, they do not leave the man alone." I say exasperated.

"My brother is not innocent my lady.."

I glare at the blonde god crossing my arms as I do. "Of course YOU would say that wouldn't you..."

Thor stops throwing the hammer and stared back at me dumbfounded. "I only speak the truth lady Envy.."

"The truth. You mean YOUR truth. What about Loki's truth?" Edging my way closer to Thor with each word.

"I know you and my brother have become close, but you do not know.."

"About his past.. pfftt, please. I know everything's Loki's done. If you ask me you have only yourself to blame.."

"Me!?' He looks as if I've slapped him. "I have done nothing to my brother.. I have only ever wished for him to fight by my side, to protect Asgard."

"There in lies the problem Thor. 'Fight by your side..' what about your brothers side? The almighty Thor always putting his needs first.. well yours and your fathers."

The god makes two steps towards me dropping his hammer at his side. "Be careful how you speak of the king.."

"I will speak about him however I please. He's your king not mine.."

"He is my father!! He has made mistakes but he is a good man."

"Yes to you! Not to Loki.."

"My father loves Loki!! As do I!"

I huff out a small laugh. "You may love him.. but where were you when it mattered huh? You blame Loki.. you claim he's the problem. But I know of his past.. I've seen it!! You claim to love him yet you left him for your own glory! You took all the praise while he stood by.. shunned! Outcast!"

Thor looks down to the ground. My anger is bubbling at the surface as I berate Him. "You do not know of what you speak!!" He insists.

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