Cruel intentions

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"Good work General, you managed to get her here unscathed." The Titan makes his way down to Doenitz as he and Envy disembark the spaceship.

"It was easier than expected Master. The Avengers were too busy fighting  off the Chitari to notice us. By the time the Sanctuary came to meet us we were already out of Earths orbit. Your plan worked seamlessly."

"Of course it did.." Thanos sneers , his attention moving to the goddess, "Welcome home Envy. You have no idea how pleased I am to see you here with us.." He steps closer to the woman, whose red gaze is trained on the general. Thanos notices this and smirks, "Something on your mind?"

"There are many things to consider at this moment in time.." The woman states, in a voice so different to her usual tone. She tip toes closer to the titan clutching the sceptre tightly in her hand. Thanos watches her, waiting for her to attempt to catch him off guard.
He knows the sceptre has control over her, but just how strong the hold is he is yet to see.
She stops mere steps away from him eying the gathering behind him. She raises her free hand in Doenitz direction and suddenly he is dangling in the air clasping his throat as if fighting off an invisible force choking him, "Right now.. I am considering how long it will take for your children to stop me before I crush his oesophagus into dust.."

Nebula-One of The titans children- steps forward but Thanos motions for her and the soldiers to stay put. "I have no intention of stopping you goddess."

Envy- now consumed by the need for revenge doesn't question the titans  intentions. She is absorbed in the fear radiating from the flailing man in her psychic grip, trying to gasp for breath.

His eyes are wide with fear as he glances at the others around them, pleading, begging them to step in and help him. Thanos himself just watches on in amusement as the general begins to fade in and out of consciousness.

How could he allow her to kill me!? after everything I have done for him.. all these years serving him and his cause.
I could reveal myself now..  That should surprise her enough to stop her from killing me..

Or it might send her over the edge seeing my true form. I almost let it slip back on Earth.

His lungs swell, begging for air.

I need to think of a way out of this.. before she kills me.

Using the last of his energy to shift his form, the generals skin changes to a pale white, his hair now shoulder length and black as tar. His eyes a piercing green..

The goddesses glare falters on seeing his appearance change... she actually trembles looking at the version of the god of mischief  he has changed himself to.

Her grip on him is suddenly gone and just before he blacks out, he falls to the metal coated floors, inhaling the air desperately trying to regain himself before she has a chance to strike again.

"Traitor!!" Nebula screams running towards the general in his changed form, sword raised ready to attack.

"No Daughter- it is not the really him-" Thanos stops her, "The general is a shapeshifter-" Doesnitz thinks Thanos is about to help him up when he turns suddenly backhanding Envy so hard that she yelps and slams backwards into the wall behind her rendering her unconscious ,"And in doing so has shown us a huge weakness in our new addition."

Thanos walks over kicking the sceptre from the unmoving  goddesses hand. "Take her to Maw," He instructs Nebula "Tell him to erase her mind completely.. Seems the Asgardian has had a lasting effect on her. And I will not make the mistake of underestimating him again.."

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