what they find cute about you

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A/n: listen to the music while you read its better that way in my opinion

How funny you are when your mad, one minute you'll be all happy, and then you'll get mad at him for forgetting something after staring at him.

When you forget something like when you walk into a room and stop and stare with a face that says 'what the fuck was I about to get and then leave and come back after you remembered ( don't lie we've all done this)

All your personalities, to name then all (a/n: I'm going to use names from the YouTuber and TikTok kallmekris) Janet the alcoholic and mother of another personally called Riley a 3-year old that loves dino nuggies (same) and frozen, Katrina the Russian mother of two twin boys Misha (me-sh-a) and Sergei (sare-gay) two smart loveable and fun boi's, Chad the red bull addict who doesn't know what's going on at times, Debra the nosy neighbor, babushka Katrina's mother who only speaks Russian and nona the Italian mother of Janet

how to can try to say the sweetest thing to him and go like fuck you or your mom never loved you but he knows that you mean well.

How you to can have a deep sentimental conversation about life and the meaning of it and what you think of him and what he thinks of you, the other people he's dated could never they always get upset about how he never really loved them and how he was just using them for their body and then they would dump him.

How you worry about him 24/7 he may not show it but he loved how you hold onto him tight and check up on him without trying to seem clingy.

Loves when you talk about your problems with him everything that you see what you need help with when you need emotional support anyone.

Loves it when you fall asleep in their arms your light snoring, when you snuggle your head into her boobs the small sounds you make anything.

For some reason she loves the face you make when she's using her nen's stitches since you cut off your limbs a lot but she doesn't mind doing it for you if you were Hisoka she would have just left you.

Loves it when you're trying to read she thinks it's amusing (damn Grammarly) she thinks you have a cute stutter when you try