meeting your family: feitan

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last chapter was something😃 and i couldnt think of another reason on why "you" have depression so yeah.

You and feitan were in the car just viben out to some music, the two of you were out for a drive just because. You were into it while feitan just moved his head. "and i got a colorful oraaaaa, like i got neon guts" you sang  doing a slight dance.

as the two of you got to a stop light your phone started to ring, which made the music automatically turn down. The two of you were annoyed that the music turned down as who was callings contact name popped up on the screen. 

You pressed answer as your mom started talking. "hi mom" you said as you started shaking worried about what she might say or want. feitan rubbed your back, because that was what always helped you calm down. "hey why dont you stop bye peanut said that he saw you with some short guy, i told him that you dont have a boyfriend how could you have one" your mom laughed. 

"and its not like you could ignore what i said after all i did for you, so come on bye wit that guy you were with and clear this up" your mom said as she hung. Your face sunk from its originally happy state, as the music started playing again. "i dont like her" feitan said. you just continued to drive off to your moms house. "its another reason why i dont visit her, plus her house is absolutely discusting, it smells like cigarettes', and wet dog, she never sweeps the floor,  the dog sheds everwhere, because she never takes him to the groomers or at least bruses him out, and theres trash everwher" you said as you pulled up to your moms house. 

"if you want you can stay in the car" you said as you got out. feitan followed you to the front door. The both of you could smell everything from the door. Your mom opened the door and let you in. "so (y/n) explain who this is so we can clear it up, because im 100% sure you could never get a boyfriend" your mom said. You looked over to your brother peanut  who was actually right about you and feitan. 

"peanut is right feitan is my boyfriends we've been dating for about 6 months now" you said. "can we leave now?" feitan asked wanting to leave more than anything. You and your brother wanted to leave too. Your mom was dumb founded. "(y/n) what did i tell you about lying" your mom said. "shes not lying and were leaving" feitan said as he dragged you out side, enjoying the outside air. "thank you" you mumbled. "huh?"  feitan asked. "thank you" you said a little louder. "no problem star fish"  

Not me almost crying in the middle of class