meeting your family:pokunoda

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my bad the rest of these are gonna be dry because ive already gotten bored with is section of the story i might just put them all together again

You angrily drove to your parent's house after getting the 150 that your dad made you get, At the same time you got a notification on your phone. "hey poku could you check what that was" you said. (be safe on the road kids) "it says that 30,000 yeni was taken out of your bank account" Your eye started twitching vigorously. "hey poku here you know what you can keep the 150 and do whatever you want with it," you said calmly. Now you were really pissed.

There were many things you dont play about. Mainly your money. After driving for a while you reached your parents house. You slammed the car door and bust down the front door knocking it off of its hinges. "(Y/N)!" your mom yelled. "this not about you momma, now you bitch" you said as you got in your brothers face. "HOW DARE YOU GO INTO MY BANK ACCOUNT TAKE MY HARD-EARNED MONEY, JUST TO PROPOSE TO YOUR BUMBASS GIRLFRIEND!" you yelled. "well you should have just given him-" *bang* "shut up you piece of shit," you said. Your mom screamed at her now-dead husband.  "now listen here you little shit its February 11th you have until August 31st to give me all my money back and his you don't im gonna blow your brains out got it" you said. You said letting him go. He fell to the floor in fear. 

"don't worry mom il clean up the body and fix the door," you said your face going back to its normal expression whatever it is for you.  Your mom always was scared of you when this happens. But she know that you would never hurt her. Once time you beat some girl's ass for taking your hoodie without asking. "anyways love you momma poku you said as had a problem that need taking care of lets go" you said dragging her out.