meeting your family: illumi

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You and illumi were having a relaxation day where the two of you chill on the couch all day in oversized sweaters, sweat pants, fluffy socks, and messy buns eating snacks. (if your hair if two short for a messy bun like if you have a pixie cut then you have a spa headband that has a bear on it) You werent expecting anyone to come over and neither was illumi. You heard someone knocking on the door. You thought it was your amazon packages you just got a notification that it had just been shipped, you walked to the door to see who it was. 

it was your mom and stepdad and his 4 sons with suit cases? Your face sunk as they pushed passed you into your CLEAN house. You sighed as they started messing with everything and putting it out of place. "hey mom why are you here?" you asked as illumi was squished on the couch by two of your brothers. "oh our places is being fumigated for spiders so i thought 'you know (y/n) wont mind lets stay with her' so here we are" your mom laughed. illumi got off the couch and walked towards you.

The two of you looked at each other and sighed. "fine but stay away from my room, my stuff, my shower we have 3 and a half bathrooms, and my snacks" you said pretty annoyed that they ruined your day. "thanks sis you wont even notice us" you brother said. "if anything in my house comes up missing everyones out" you said as you walked upstairs. illumi followed you to your shared room. "sorry about my family illumi" you said as you kissed his cheek.

He pulled you into a mini makeout session on the bed as your door open. The two of you looked over to see who opened your door. Its was your mom and one of your idiot step brothers. "im sorry dear continue while i get what i need itll be like im not even here" you r som said as she rummaged through your closet for a shirt. You and illumi both hated doing "it" in public or while people were around. 

your mom left as your brother tackled illumi. "so your the lucky one who pulled my little sis" he said as twisting his fist in illumi's hair. "yes i am now can you stop?" he asked. Your brother stoped as he left. "well thats my family" you said. "i see why you moved out so quickly"