meeting the troupe :hisoka

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"rain cloud were here" hisoka said. "Wow that didn't take very long" you said rubbing your eyes. "I told you it didn't that Long you don't live very far" he said. Hisoka opened the door, as everyone staredx at you. "so your hisokas girlfriend" feitan asked. " yeah i am" you said as you shook his hand. "im [name] your feitan?" you asked.

"yes i am" he said looking up at you. (if your taller than 5'1 then its looking up at you im only like 3 inches taller than him so it wouldnt be that much to look up at) evryone intro duced themselves to you.

time skip~

"so [name] what was a slightly dark moment in you life?" pokunoda asked. "well there was one time where i had to take my meds and i was looking in my bags for it and it turns out my friend took them without me noticing and this is what i said 'whoever tokk my anti-depressents i hope your happy' and we all just laughed and well our moms just stared at us with the where did i go wrong face" you laughed. "well its about time we headed out" hisoka said. "what time is it?" you asked.

"it is 2 a.m raincloud and you have work in a few hours" hisoka said. "oh damn lost track of time well bye everyone" you said as you and hisoka left. "see that wasnt so bad was it rain cloud?" hisoka asked. "it was pretty fun" you said. 'it actually wasnt so bad' you thought