meeting your family: hisoka

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tw!! sexual asult, and mentions of rape
(This was lokey kinda hard to right, I haven't gone through any of this besides the boob groping and that was when my friend though I was sleeping and because I had an idea for another chapter called when you kill some one so that will be included with this to )

You were mildly hesitant about having hisoka meet your family on the account of they cause your depression. "Are you sure you wanna meet they hisoka?" You asked.

"Of course I am rain cloud" hisoka said while the two of you reached the door step.  You knocked on the door as you mom opened it. "Hello (name) how are you today" your mom said with anger in her voice. "I'm good I would like you to meet by boyfriend hisoka" "hi there I'm (name)'s mother (moms name)" your mom said.

You already had a miserable look on your face, which didnt go unoticed by hisoka. "Why don't the two of you come in (name) your father's in the kitchen" your mom said as she drug the two of you in the house. "(Name) why don't you go talk to your father in the kitchen" you knew what she was doing, this always sends you in the kitchen, whenever your dad's in there  so she could do whatever with whoever you brought to the house.

You walked to the kitchen and closed the door. Since ever room in the house had a door in including the kitchen you closed it. "Hi dad" you said as your dad turned to you and hugged you, while groping your butt. "How you baby doing?" He asked as his hands explores your body. "I'm fine" you said ignoring it.

"Hey could you do the dishes for me while I finish cooking" he asked as you walked to the sink. He walked behind you and grabbed you boobs. You just washed the small amount of dishes he he played around with them. It wasn't like when hisoka did it, he was gentle with them, while you dad was just rough with them.


"So your (nam)'s boyfriend right?" Your mom asked as her hand trailed up hisokas thigh. "Yes I am" he said moving her hand. She climbed on hi lap as she started to unbotton her shirt. "Come on you know (name)'s boring you know you want me" your mom said as hisoka pushed her off of him. He walked into the kitchen to see your bad groping your boobs while you were doing the dishes.

As you washes a rather large knife you plunged in into your father's head. Hisoka watched in pure enjoyment as blood splattered everywhere, he was still pretty mad about someone else touching his rain clouds boobs. You grabbed the knife out of his head you walked passed hisoka and to your mom, but not before making another stop in the house.

Your parents kept a gun in the house and you knew where it was, they never locked it up it just sat on there night stand. As you walked out of your parents room with the gun your mom screamed,"What did you do (name)!" "The same thing im going to do to you" you said as a multiple gun shots went off. You shot her about 8 or 9 times in a row before finnaly stoping. You turned to hisoka your face covered in blood. "Are you ready to go?" You asked like nothing happened.

"I mean if you are" he said. "Yeah but first could you look around the house and get every bottle of perfume, air freshener, nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, and hand sanitizer please" you asked. He agreed and grabbed them. The two of you poured them in a trail leading outside and around the living room. You and hisoka stood outside of the house match in hand, you watched as the match fell into the flammable liquid causing a trail of fire being lead into the house. Hisoka looked over at you, you had the biggest smile he'd ever seen on you.

You started to laugh. "Ah aha AHA AHAHAHAHAHA! I FINALLY DID IT HISO!" You laughed as you jumped with a fist in the air. You had no regrets for what you did. You didn't care if it made you as bad as they were, you could finally be happy. Hisoka hugged you as the two of you got in the car. "So what was happening in the kitchen while I was gone?" Hisoka asked as he drove off.

You explained your childhood trama. About how you were raped by your dad and his friends and everything else. "So what happened with you and my mom?" You asked with a smile still on you face. He explained what happened. "Wow at least she's dead now" you said.