meeting the troupe: pokunoda

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"babes you ready?" pokunoda asked you as she put on her coat. "yeah I am," you said as you put on your shoes. " hey babes I always wondered how did you end up with PTSD?" poku asked. "well I don't really wanna have a break down before we leave but all I can tell you right now is that it has to deal with blood sharp objects small spaces and cop, it also the reason why I'm adopted," you said wanting to give her a full answer. "well at least I know now" poku said as she gave you a hug. 

time skip~

where here babes" pokunoda shook you lightly. You fell asleep during the ride. "*yawn* ok," you said as you got out of the car and stretched. the two of you headed to the entrance you healed the door for her, and walked behind her. "hey poku" machi said. 

"Hey everyone," poku said. "whos that?" Shizuku asked. "hi," you said. "your pokunoda's girlfriend?" uvo asked. "yeah I am," you said. Uvo walked up to you and lifted you up by the back of your hoodie. "um sir please put me down" you asked. "eh sure" he said as he set you down. Everyone started to make conversation with you. 

time skiip~

you were talking to Nobunaga with your head on poku's shoulder when you got a phone call. "hello? sigh hello my wonderful sibling *insert eye roll*. no, I will not give you $300 for you to get a ring for your girlfriend. I don't care if bald-headed daddy said so I had to it's my money.  hello dad. because it's his problem his ex robbed him, I told him to use a condom but did he listen, no. ok dad I'll give him the 150. bye, dad" you said as you ended the call. "OOOHW he get on my nerves like get off of them" you complained. 

you got up and signed. "well I have to go and beat the shit out of a broke ass bitch, poku if you want you can stay, and ill come back to pick you up or you could come with its whatever you wanna do," you said as you walked off. "ill come with you bye guys" poku said as she walked behind you. you opened the door for her as the two of you left. "oohw my little brother pisses me off" you said as you sat in the driver's seat. 

Poku kissed your cheek and said, "you know babes your anger really turns me on" which you knew but you never really got angry that often. "well if you can wait until we get home I'll handle that issue you have ok" you said as you kissed her. "ah ok"