you kill someone: chrollo

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(light note this mini series of you kill someone will instead of beginning wrote as you said it'll be written as I say if that makes sense, and this one is based off of the movie theres someone in your house so if it sucks dont blame me)

It wall all an accident

None of this was supposed to happen



I was sitting quietly waiting for my user eats to arrive when I got a Instagram message from one of my old highschool bullies.

' hey (name) I'm sorry for all of the torture and pain me and my friends put you through I wanna fully apologize by buying you dinner and we catch up' the message said. I wasn't  fully sold on it by seeing all of the story's of people being drugged killed and kidnapped because they trusted there old bullies

But I Still went anyways because I needed more friends and well free food. I told chrollo that I was going out with some friends and that I'd be back later. You drove to the address they gave you to see a huge nice looking house and someone who greeted you.

" You must be miss. (Last name) there all waiting for you in the living room I'll escort you while he parks your car" the fancy man said as he lead me into the house. "Aww (name) darling I missed you!" Tabatha said hugging me. (I'm naming her Tabatha if that's your name my bad I'm pretty sure your a nice person)

" I'm so sorry about what we did I hope you can forgive us" Tabatha said as two other girls walked in.


The four of us had drinks and we're having fun until i went to the bathroom. Once i came back and took a sip of my drink i felt weird, and passed out.

When I woke up you were being laughed at a fire behind me. Before I could say anything one of the girls poured alcohol one me. They kept laughing at me as they pushed me around by a fire. I was still dazed from the drug they put in my drink. after a few more minutes they stoped and handed me something. My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing so i couldn't hear what they were saying. "woow so pretty" i said as i started playing with it. i pushed a button and a big boom happened. screams were heard. 

i felt someone grab my shoulder. "hey gEt Off og Mre" i said as i pushed them away. they screamed again. my vision started to clear up. i looked around to see dead bodies and chrollo smiling at me. "im so glad your safe polar bear" he said hugging me. "comeone lets get you cleaned up"

i know i've  barely been updating but still i have school and work to do