telling the troupe about you: phinx

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(Oh lord I need more ideas)

Phinx was starring at his phone before he set it down and left the room. Feitan grabbed it and opened it. "Hey everyone look at this" feitan said as evey one crowded around him. "Wow who's she?" "She so cute and small looking" "oh check out his photos"

Feitan clicked on his gallery. "Wow there's even more of her and one where she's in the hospital" "this is kind of boring let's check out his messages" machi said as she grabbed the phone. "Wow who's ragdoll?" "Wow phinx has a girlfriend" "hey look at this message. 'Hey ragdoll who's is going' 'great but when I heard your text I was cooking and I set my hand down to check your message and well... I sat my hand on the burner'" "oh that's gotta hurt" "'oh lord your so clumsy' 'yeah but good this I can't feel pain!' 'That could kill your one day' 'you know you love that but when you see me get hurt I never cry!'"

"Hey has anyone seen my phone- HEY!" phinx yelled as he took his phone back. " so you have a girl friend?" Uvo said. "That can't feel pain?" Nobunaga said. "Yeah so?"

"When can we meet her she sound interesting!" Chrollo said. "I'll have to ask her and see if she's busy or not" phinx said.