meeting your family: shalnark

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(yall im so sorry that the last chapter was so dry I was just trying to get something out there and a slight note, when bold words come up thats apart of your turrets there are different types but i chose that one)

"well where here," you said as you stopped the car. "so this is your parent's house?" shalnark asked. "yeah where fuck you sto-oping by unannounced so sorry if it's shit a mess," you said as you knocked on the front door. Your dad came and answered the front door. "hey baby girl!" your dad said as he picked you up in a hug. "hey dad!" you said as you twitched. "oh yeah dad this is my fuck boy friend shalnark" you said. Your dad started down at him. 

"hi there um.. [name] your dad really scary" shalnark whispered. "yeah im dad a damnit refo-ormed delencuet" you explained. "hey dad wheres mom?" you saided. "shes out with your sister i hope they stay gone" your dad said as he let the two of you in. "w-what happened to that girl f-f-from the other bi-biker gang you were talking to?" you asked. "yeah your mom shut that down a while ago, every person i try to talk to she shuts it down, the old me would have beat her down if she wasnt a women" you dad said.

"but anyways shal-whatever your name is what are you ententions with my daughter, or are you just using her for her body?" your dad asked. "actually no sir she brought the idea to me-" you interuptied shalnark before he could finish. "shut it up and shut it down" " man ok but i do take her to her talk therapy classes every week" shalnark said trying to lighten the mood.

Your dad smiled, "well none of her friends or partners even hung out with her outside of the house" your dad said. "dad!" "oh well anyways you wanna see some baby pictures of [name]" your dad asked. "absolutley!" "no the fuck you dont asswhole" you said. your dad whipped out a photo album out of nowhere and showed shalnark. "aww [name] you were so cute as a baby!" shalnark cooed. 

shalnark flipped the page to see a scary looking picture of you. "my little girl followed in her daddys footsteps got into her first fight hen she was 2" your dad said.  shalnark keept looking until he got to family photos. They all were nice but you were never in any of them but there was a huge blur falling the oposite way of your mom and sister. 

"yeah never could get a clear picture of [name] when her mom and sister were in the picture" you dad said. 'because they pushed me idiot' you thought. You were about to say something when the front door bust open. "were home, ugh i thought you were gone for good?" your sister said.

"and i thought that you weren't a slut broke ass bitch but here we are hoe" you said. Your sister rolled her eyes at you setting her bags down and walking toward shalnark sitting on his lap. Shalnark's usual happy expression turned sour.

"Oh wow who are you handsome?" Your sister asked. You started to twitch more violently. You saw her hands start wondering. Shalnark made a small noise and stoop up making her fall. "Ow! What was that for babes!" She asked. "You were getting alittle handsy for me and I'm not your boyfriend" he said walking towards you. "I'm her girlfriend" shalnark laughed.

Your sister growned as she left the house. "Why can't you just let your sister  have a good man what happened to the last man you had" your mom asked. "Um mom he tryed to kill me twice" you pointed out. "So maybe you did something wrong" your mom said rolling her eyes.

Your dad finally chipped in, "your point he tryed to kill her plus it was an abusive relationship you forced her into" " I did not if she wants to gravitate into toxic relationships that's her fault" your mom said. Shalnark could see that you were visibly upset.

"Well Mrs. (Last name) I'm shalnark (names) boyfriend" shalnark said. "Wow you would be better with my other daughter you know" your mom said. "No thanks Mrs. I like (name)" shalnark said. Your mom was about to say something when your dad cut in. " Well why don't you two love birds get out of here and work on my grand child" your dad said pushing the two of you out of the door.

" I mean you should listen to your dad babes" shalnark said as he tossed you in the car and drove off.