meeting the troupe:uvo

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for the sake of you riley misha and sergiy will not be included in this chapter.

"hey big ugly thing where are we going?" Katrina said. uvo scouled, the only personality's that liked him were riley mesha seigey and chad. "to meet my friends can you behave for once!" uco asked. "maybe but you own me" katrina said as she drunk her vadka. 

"and can you stop drinking for once [name]'s probably going to go into a alcoholic shock again" uvo said. "i refuse" katrina said. "oh lord well where here try to act normal" uvo asked. "where are we?" janet asked. "oh lord where here for [name] to meet my friends can you switch back to her" uvo asked. "fine" "hey big bear um what are we doing here?" you asked. "finally it you baby bear so were here to meet my friends" uvo explained to you. "ok that sounds fun" you said as you walked.

everyones eyes landed on you and uvo. "um hi" you said as you steped out from behind uvo. "wow she is real hi nice to meet you im shalnark" shalnark said. "wow um thank you i guess im [name]" you said as you shook shalnark's hand. "wow she really is small compaired to uvo im nobunaga" nobuaga said. "you uvo's best friend its nice to meet you" you said.

"so you have split personalitys?" chrollo asked. "actually yeah it gets annoying, last time i well "swtiched back" i woke up in a hospital and it turnes out i was in an alcoholic  shock because of katrina" i explained. "what it was just in good fun i still do not see problom" kartina said. "thats becides the point she could have died" uvo said. "so she would have been fine"

time skip

the entire troop got to meet all of your personalitys and thought it was all funny especially when they would argue with uvo. "well bye everyone" you said as the two of you left.  "that was fun"you said. "yeah for you" uvo said