Entirely yours

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I drive over to Jake's house. Thankfully he lives alone, so I'll be able to sneak through the back.

After sneaking through the back, I get into Jacobs house. I look around and can't find him. I go into the kitchen and there's a disaster. Plates and cups cracked and thrown on the ground. The table was split in half, and the chairs were dismangled. It looked like a scene of a kidnapping. My breath quickens as all sorts of scenarios pop in my head. I get worried and run upstairs. I run into Jake's room. I find him sleeping. I sigh relieved. He looks a hot mess, he had a lot of stubble. his hair was grown out and He had big dark circles under his eyes with bags.

I lay next to him, caressing his hair. My stomach drops from the pain of not seeing him in days. He doesn't look at peace at all. He looks sad, and it's all my fault. 

I begin to touch his face. "Lacie.." He grumbles. 

I smile. Either he is dreaming or he's up already. He keeps tossing and turning.

He finally opens his eyes, "Good morning Prince Charming" I say.

 His eyes go wide, surprised "Lacie?"

 "You're not dreaming anymore", I laugh. 

He gets up, "What are you doing here"?

 "I came to fix things, you haven't been in school in a week. You have to come back." I say. 

He stares at me, shoulders hunched. "I'm sorry for not trusting you, after I saw her kiss you I was furious, I didn't know what to do".

 He looks at me sympathetically, and hold my face. "I understand, I would have reacted the same way".

 One tear streams down my face, he then hugs me. He begins to kiss my tears away one by one as they fall.

"I love you" he says. 

" Would you be mine?"

I paralyze, not expecting to hear those words to come out. The last time I heard those words where from my parents... hours before their death... Suddenly I'm having an anxiety attack.... the last I see is Jake catching me seconds before my head hit the floor.

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