What Other People Say

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"I used to not take chances with God's name
But it's been so long since I last prayed
And now I'm all fucked up and my heart's changed
'Cause I care more about what other people say."
What Other People Say; Demi Lovato & Sam Fischer


Hestia was in the middle of her little therapeutic session which included a certain notepad of a color red, when she got interrupted by a knock on her door. All her features froze when one and only Loren Schmidt entered the room, her perfect smile plastered on her face. She was the last person she would expect to come for a visit, knowing how busy her mother's schedule tend to be. It almost felt like a dream come true to her, like meeting your celebrity crush. Something you wish would happen but rarely does, if ever. 

"Hi honey," she chirped in her typical low but captivating tone that could make everyone's knees go weak, "I'm sorry that I couldn't come earlier, I had to finish that shooting in-"

"Miami, I know," Hestia interrupted her, not caring about her mother's stupid excuses she was always full of. Loren just nodded her head and took a seat next to the bed. Hestia didn't even look at her. For a moment, there was a awkward silence between them, neither of them knowing what to say, how to start a normal conversation.

"I see that you got my flowers," she glanced at the night table where was a vase with now not so healthy looking tulips, "I know it isn't much but I wanted to somehow let you know that I was keeping you in my thoughts even though I couldn't visit you. And tulips are your favorites, right? I had to ask Harper just to make sure," Hestia didn't answer straight away, her lips pursed together to avoid saying anything hurtful. Of course, she had to ask someone. Why would she even bother to remember? Why would she keep the drawers full of useless informations where there can be scripts and quotes and winning speeches?

"They are...beautiful, thanks," Hestia simply glanced at dying tulips with a fake smile.

"Do you think you will be fit for the shooting of your movie?" Loren swiftly turned the conversation to acting, which was probably the only thing they had in common. When it came to major interviews or roles, she could be very supportive of her daughter. The rest was a waste of breath and time, "It would be a shame to waste such an opportunity."

"About that," Hestia sighed and could feel tears itching in her eyes once again. No, she was not going to cry in front of someone who taught her not to, "I don't have that role anymore." Hestia couldn't even look at her mother yet she felt the burning look on her face. She was disappointing her again.

"What? Why?" Loren Schmidt was shocked to hear that. Things like this can happen to anyone, however, Loren never had to worry about losing the role she got. People were begging on their knees only to have her in their projects. It wasn't like this in the beginning of her career but that was long in the past and not in Loren's mind anymore.

"Try to guess," Hestia simply shrugged while looking at her hands placed in her lap. She felt embarrassed, so incredibly embarrassed. Her mother was her idol, such a big woman in the industry. And her daughter was nothing but a failure.

"Look, I'm upset that you started drinking again because I thought rehab solved the problem. That's why it is here," Hestia didn't say anything but was surprised to hear how delusional her mother could be. Hestia's father was an alcoholic and did rehab solved him? Not at all, "but people make mistakes. And I know how hard you worked for this role. Let me talk with Edmund," she moved closer to Hestia to grab her hands. Her behavior made Hestia frown a bit, why did she care out of the sudden?"I'll explain the situation to him, I'm sure he will understand. And I am sure Paul can help too, he is your manager. He knows how to pull a few strings here and there." That sounded like a sweet melody to Hestia's ears. Her mother would use her influence to help her daughter. Hestia would get the role back, her dream would rise up from the ashes like a phoenix. But was it fair? And what would people think? Definitely not that she was a talented artist worth the second chance. But only as a nepotism baby who got the role only because her mother was a good friend with the director. Just that and nothing more.

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