Living Proof

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"Where did you come from, baby?
And were you sent to save me?
There's God in every move
And you're the living proof."
Living Proof; Camila Cabello


The footsteps of Genevieve Ignaouse echoed as she walked the all too familiar path for her. Back at the crime scene, one could think as she inched towards the Schumacher's mansion. There were times when a clear line of footprints highlighting thr path. Now, it was covered with grass as if it had never happened.

It was foolish to think Mick wouldn't see right through her. Yet she believed the illusion. After all, love tends to have vision problems. Being his friend from the sandcastles on the playground era was already beneficial for Genevieve, but why not try for more if there was a chance? Mick seemed like the type of person to settle down with a childhood sweetheart.

Genevieve exhaled before landing her fist on the door a few times. Was she wasting her time? Quite possibly. As rational and amicable the break-up appeared to everyone around, Genevieve felt none of these emotions. This definitely wasn't the epilogue, there had to be another chapter somewhere in the back of the drawer. And the young brunette was eager to turn the whole world upside down to find it.

Genevieve's sweet smile froze when Gina opened the door. Well, that was a complication. Mick's sister looked rather hostile, eyeing her brother's ex-girlfriend from head to toe with a face of a marble statue. She was about to close the door when Genevieve cockily invited herself in, "please, let me talk to Mick," she begged, activating her puppy eyes and a sob story, "I know that he doesn't want to see me again, but it's breaking my heart there is still bad blood between us." If there is a story people love, it's about recovered sinners. And Genevieve was well aware of that, "I am a different person now and I want to prove it to him." Mick really excelled in drawing actresses into his radius. Professional or amateur.

"He's not here," Gina simply said, crossing her arms over her chest, "he's with Hestia," she was enjoying the turnaround of Genevieve's emotions the second she said the name. Meanwhile, Corinna entered the picture as well, the chirping from the hallway drew her in.

Genevieve's eyebrows furrowed, she didn't expect this. But she should have seen this coming. He was a racing driver. Always on the move, always looking for a new notch in his belt. Yet she didn't expect him to be this good at moving on, "who is Hestia?"

"Hestia Schmidt, an American actress," Gina shrugged nonchalantly, "moved here recently but she and Mick spend a lot of time together. I wonder why," she sent a mischievous grin in Genevieve's way, enjoying her loss. Hestia had way too many flaws for her liking, yet if she was to choose, she wouldn't hesitate, "aww, you really thought you would march in and Mick would fall to your knees again?" Gina smooth-talked, but Genevieve clearly heard the mocking tone, "that he would cry for you till his living daylights? Please, you weren't actually that naive, were you?" Genevieve forced a fake smile before silently leaving.

"That was so unnecessary, Gina," Corinna scolded her daughter as soon as the door closed, "you know that she is capable of anything."

"But have you seen the look on her face?" Gina made her way to the kitchen to grab a cup of tea she had left there, "yes, it was petty but oh so worthy," she smiled while sipping the still warm beverage, "karma's real."


A bell ring woke Hestia up from staring at three trays of mac & cheese dumbfoundedly as if it was rocket science. Hestia rushed to the door with her oven gloves and a flowery apron on, looking like a perfect housewife. She was excited to host him in her house yet somewhat nervous as it almost felt like a date. Even though it definitely wasn't. But was anyone to blame when they simply enjoyed each other's company a little too much?

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