My Future

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"'Cause I, I'm in love
With my future
Can't wait to meet her
And I, I'm in love
But not with anybody else
Just wanna get to know myself."
my future; Billie Eilish


As if it was a ritual of hers, Hestia opened the mailbox, wondering if anything inside would strike her attention today. Usually, she was welcomed by a sweet nothingness or waste paper to burn in the fireplace. This time, however, it was different. Hestia's eyebrows arched together when she pulled out a box of chamomile tea with a sticky note on top of it.

I heard that this could help make your insomnia more tolerable. I hope you are doing whatever you want to and have a bit more faith in yourself. Things will get better. As we racers say: "Keep pushing."
See you soon xx

Even though the note wasn't signed, Hestia knew exactly who it was from. And hell, she would lie if she said that this didn't make her heart beat quicker. She bit her lip to suppress a smile that was creeping upon her lips. This man really was a different breed. Hestia let out a chuckle and closed the mailbox. She took one last glance at the blue ink deeply imprinted into neon yellow. Then she shook her head slightly and returned back to her house, a smile not leaving her features.


Mick was sitting at the table together with his race engineer Gary, his teammate Nikita Mazepin and Nikita's race engineer, Dominic. They were in Bahrain, the first venue of this year's championship. Mick looked around the Haas motorhome, his eyes lingering over every single member of the team. The atmosphere was somewhat pleasant, there was a healthy amount of nervousness. Despite knowing that their car was definitely not going to be the fastest one, there were expectations. Hope that this season wouldn't be a complete disaster.

Mick couldn't wait for his debut in Formula 1. It was something he dreamt about, he worked incredibly hard to achieve this. And now it was really happening, it felt almost surreal to him. He couldn't wait to finally jump in the car and feel the familiar rush of adrenaline that was as addictive as pure heroin. He was anxious to test the limits of the car and maybe even race with someone, with his teammate at least. And mostly, he was thrilled to bring the name Schumacher back on the grid. However, deep down, he wished his dad could be here and witness all of it.

Mick was brought back to reality by his phone. He blushed a bit when he realised he barely paid attention to the ongoing conversation between the rest of the table. A smile appeared on his face when he found out who sent him the text message.

Hi, it's Hestia. I just wanted to thank you for the tea, it will come in handy. And I also wanted to wish you the best of luck, I know that you are super excited about your debut. Your car is shit but try to have fun and enjoy it to the fullest! And of course, keep pushing xx

If Mick said that this message didn't do anything to him, he would be called a big liar. He hadn't seen Hestia for about a month, he was too preoccupied with preparations for Bahrain. But from time to time, he thought about her, wondering what she was up to. He enjoyed her presence the last time and hoped that he would see her soon.

Thanks! Will you watch the race?

He typed in a short response before turning off his phone again. He was trying to participate in the conversation, however, his eyes kept flickering to his phone, anticipating a reply from Hestia.

I don't know...should I?

The screen lightened up again, and Mick didn't hesitate a second, opening up the conversation with Hestia once again. He was reading that one simple sentence over and over again, not being sure what to answer. He liked how easy-going the online conversation was, he guessed that Hestia felt more comfortable with this type of expressing her thoughts and feelings. Yet he was afraid that he would do something wrong. They didn't know each other that well, it was all very much at the beginning. No matter how in tune they felt.

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