The Kind Of Lover I Am

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The moment I fall, that's it for me
I get obsessed with no jealousy
That's the kinda lover I am
The Kind Of Lover I Am; Demi Lovato


Hestia glanced around a busy area of Geneva airport while sitting next to her gate, waiting for boarding to start. She had a bucket hat firmly placed on her head, keeping her eyes as low as possible, not wanting to bring any attention to her persona. She never had to deal with check-ins and security controls, always traveling by private planes. Not eco-friendly yet safe for her soul. The anxiety of showing people her whereabouts, and giving them free arsenal, was undeniable.

After discreetly scanning the area, she returned back to crocheting. Internet enthusiasts persuaded her to give this creative and relaxing hobby a try. So far, it had been nowhere near the portrayal. Hestia was close to throwing a tantrum or two, yet she kept going. Her tireless mind could focus on something different than Mick. They barely exchanged a word after the almost catastrophizing moment. Hestia glanced at her phone next to her as she had the headphones plugged in, the music soothing her tangled nerves. She reached out for it without hesitation when her eyes found a new message from Mick.

Flightradar says you should be leaving in 20 minutes. Do they lie?

A soft smile played upon her lips when she typed in an answer. It was sweet of him, yet the heavy dark cloud was hanging over her head because of one night at the lake.

I am still sitting at the airport and crocheting like an old grandma. What are you up to?

Mick attempted to focus on questions asked during the press conference, but as soon as he saw a reply from Hestia, he stopped trying. Media days was a competition of who would repeat the rehearsed answers the best.

Nico Hülkenberg's wife has a shop with crochet clothing, so I would revise those words. I'm at a press conference btw.

Shouldn't you be then paying attention to clever and intriguing questions?

Mick chuckled before writing a reply, catching the attention of one of his best friends on the grid, Esteban. The Frenchman eyed him curiously, wondering if he was texting Hestia. Mick told Esteban, Lance, and Sebastian about the girl, who was stealing his heart piece by piece. They were his closest friends, after all.

Hush >:(

"Mick, could you give us your perspective?" one of the reporters questioned, and Mick hastily lifted his head, looking around the room eagerly anticipating an answer.

"I'm sorry, what was the question?" Mick giggled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. A wave of laughter echoed through the conference room before the reporter repeated his question. Mick took the microphone, offered a boring answer, and his mind drifted away again.

He was about to check his phone when Esteban leaned to him, "You are texting Hestia, aren't you?" he smiled mischievously, knowing the truth before hearing it from the man himself. It is impossible not to recognize an enamored person when you see one.

Mick nodded with a smile, covering his mouth while informing Estie Bestie, "she's on her way here."

Esteban beamed, his eyes acquiring a brand new radiance, "Is she? Then I am excited to finally meet the lady in charge of your heart," Mick playfully rolled his eyes at Esteban, who was shortly after asked a question, ending the conversation between the two. Now it was finally time to check the messages.

I know you love them. All of us do, don't we? :))

In the meanwhile, the press conference was terminated, giving drivers a green light to leave. Mick was last to exit, his PR manager John impatiently waiting outside. He eyed the other drivers departuring, none of them being the one he was employed to look after.

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