Can't Catch Me Now

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"There's blood on the side of the mountain
It's turning a new shade of red
Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded
Don't burn the way you'd expect
Yeah, you thought that this was the end."
Can't Catch Me Now; Olivia Rodrigo


The poster hanging in Mèlissa's saloon would strike your attention for many reasons. The title Spend an evening in the whirlwind of passion would be intriguing and attractive by itself. But if you found yourself among those who wouldn't bat an eyelid, just waving your hand, the burning red letters dancing on the paper would force you to glance. At least once, if not more. In case even that would leave cool as a cucumber, two figurines in a tight embrace had to do the trick as you could feel the promised passion from their cartoon faces.

Hestia was in the first category. As someone living and breathing art, this particular piece of paper in the shape of a rectangle was tailor-made for her. A perfect way to spend time while pinned to the chair, her hair turned silver as it was covered with tinfoil, "do you have this here often?" She asked, nodding her head in the direction of the poster, "dance lessons."

"Every year in the sports center," Mèlissa, who was cutting the hair of a woman sitting opposite Hestia, said. The woman was no one other than Genevieve Ignaouse. Two lovers of Mick Schumacher, his past and present, found themselves in the same place again. A scene that had been happening too often to be considered coincidental.

"Is it popular?"

"I would say so. Especially older couples love it," Mèlissa chucked. Genevive kept silent, pretending that the magazine in her hands deserved more of her attention. Her expression was difficult to understand, like reading the Divine Comedy without knowing the context.

"I adore Latin dances," Hestia glanced one more time at the poster, a plan forming in her head, "I'm definitely gonna stop by, maybe not on my own," it would be a lot of work to convince Mick to come too as he didn't seem keen on dancing, especially not in front of a crowd. But Hestia was sure that as soon as she would explain what her genius mind had come up with, he would have no other choice.

"So it's true that you and Mick-"

"I'll leave it without any further comments." Through the mirror reflection, Hestia studied Genevieve's features and how she reacted. Numerous encounters with manipulators turned her mind and body into a manuscript of aches. On the other hand, it taught her a valuable lesson. From now on, she could smell a villain from miles away. Hestia was sure Mick's ex-girlfriend was somehow involved in the photo leaks. But she couldn't prove it yet. She threw a bait in the water. The only thing left was to wait. One thing was for sure: fish are always hungry.


"Absolutely not." Two words. After a stream of consciousness that felt never-ending, Mick's answer, so eagerly anticipated, was consisted of exactly two words.

"What do you mean 'absolutely not'?" Hestia asked in bewilderment, crossing her arms over her chest. If I wrote that this was the answer Hestia expected, I could call myself a deceiver. Not that I am not already one.

"I mean what I said," Mick said stubbornly, a firm look in his eyes, "I'm not doing it." He would do a lot of things for Hestia. But he was reluctant to make a fool out of himself, even if Hestia only had the best of intentions. If it was up to him, he would just let it go. Wait till it passed. Because every storm, even the most violent one, has its beginning and end.

"Don't you understand what it is all about?" Hestia failed to hide the irritation, "I don't want you to dance if you don't want to. The point is that we will be seen in public and catch the one who's been making our life sour lately," she let out a defeated sigh, although she was far from giving up, "we have the perfect opportunity to take justice into our own hands. Tell me one reason why we shouldn't do it."

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