Chapter four: ~new revelations~

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Ophelia Rivers' POV

"Then,you may start" i said readying myself.

" okay, i'll be as short as possible, Jane entered the magic world. She would try different spells on men and lured them to marry her. Whereas, her temperament and lifestyle made her really hard to live with. That's why she failed in each of her weddings. One day, she got really ill and she sensed that soon enough, death will be her next companion. So, out of anger and desperation, she cursed the whole family to never marry again and that no matter what powerful force tried to break the spell, it would never be broken. "

"she..uhh...cursed the family?"

" Yes, she thought that, by forbidding her family to marry and be happy, her anger would be appeased and her conscience satisfied. But she felt none of this. In fact, what she felt was quite the opposite."

I stayed silent for a few minutes, i needed time to take in all this information about my great great grandmother.

Does Ray know this about Jane?

Well, obviously he does. He made a damn statue of her in his garden.

Why would he hide this from me?

" Earth to Ophelia" Zechariah snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

" Yeah, yeah, i'm right here. I was trying to understand this. I have so many questions twirling in my head. How do you know all of this anyway?" i queried.

" Yeaah, that's a story for another time " he chimed.

" Wh-"

As if on cue, grandma Mia entered my room.

" Come on kids, dinner is ready"

The rest of the evening went casual. We ate, talked and then i showed Zechariah his room.

" Goodnight, princess "

" Goodnight, Zach" i blurted, blushing furiously and quickened my pace to my room, letting him standing in front of his.

This day has been interesting, Zechariah Evans has given me so much information about my family's past. The thing is, I still have no idea why Ray wouldn't tell me this.

 The past is the past. I mean she's a witch and cursed the family.

What would this have to do with my freedom? What in the world would be the reason for basically keeping me a prisoner in this house?

Plus, how come Zach knows about this?

Wait a minute. Wasn't the curse damning marriage on one generation on two? That means my parents.... My parents shouldn't have been married. That means i shouldn't be existing. So,why..whyy i am? many questions are twirling in my head. My brain needs rest. Maybe i'll just go have some sleep and ignore these new things i'm getting myself into.

Tomorrow will be time for answers...

Zechariah Evans'  POV


I was fucking upset. I was dragged unwillingly to Raymond's house.


I would never eavesdrop again on him. It was merely a coincidence. I was walking down the hall when i heard him talking on the phone.

~~ flash back~~

 "Yes, i see. She is now eighteen isn't she? I see. Have you told her about the curse ? No? Okay. when are you planning to tell her ? Oh, okay."  

Grandpa's eyes then landed on mine. I was paralyzed, he caught me.

What was he even talking about? A curse ?

" Ugh...Raymond, wait a second, i'll call you later." he stuttered, his eyes never leaving me.

He hanged up with whoever he was talking with and looked at me warningly. I felt guilty.

"Zach, how long have you been standing here?" He asked.

" I...didn't really , I ..."

I couldn't form a single sentence. I knew that I wasn't supposed to hear the phone conversation.

A curse? What the hell?

" Look, calm down, I'll tell you everything. Just promise me one thing, you will zip your mouth up and do as i say."

His expression softened after i bobbed my head.

Later, I was told the last thing i had ever expected to hear in my life.

And, as promised in the pact, I was forcefully dragged into Raymond's house, where he and the so called Ophelia lived.

~~end of flash back ~~

And here I was,  in Raymond's house, laying on the king sized bed of 'my' room. This day has been oddly interesting. I didn't imagine this house to be this big. Nor did i expect Ophelia to be this..umm..this beautiful.

I mean, I have to admit that I hated her at first because she was the reason I came all across the country. Besides, she made my life change, I had to leave my friends, school, everything... But I  couldn't really keep hating her. From the first glance, I knew it would be damn hard to resist her. I remember how she was trembling when i pinned her to the wall, how her cheeks turned crimson when i made flirty comments, also the incontestable chemistry that settled between us when we stared at each other. I chuckled at the memory.

Wait what?

Well, you chuckled you lovestruck...

My conscience has a tendency to comment on my thoughts.

Can you blame me?

It took me a lot of effort not to kiss her and end the weird signals my male hormones were sending me.

To be honest, she was breathtaking. Her short blond hair that rested above her shoulders had me urging to lace my fingers through its locks, and her light brown eyes that glinted and sparkled pierced right through mine, and well her plump lips.....

Okay, that's it. I should probably go to sleep right now....

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