Chapter thirteen : ~ The stuffed elephant ~

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Ophelia Rivers POV

Ray and the others were waiting for us in the garden. They were all lined up facing him.
I stood beside them.
Tyler came shortly after, taking place at my left.

" Good. Now that you're all here, I'll explain what your training will consist of. First, " Ray started, raising his index finger and moving along the line we formed, " i'll show you some basics you'll need henceforth. Then, once you master them, we'll move on to your special powers. And, each one of you will have a different training, you know, since your powers are not the same." He explained.

" What about me?" i cut him off.

" What about you?" he asked.
" I haven't discovered my powers yet. How am i going to train?"

" Don't worry.Time will fix that." was all he answered.

I shrugged.

" Do you have any questions?"

" Yes, actually, what are the basics we will be taught?" Tyler said.

" You'll see, boy, no rush. The basics are just do you say it...uhh...abilities i will teach you. " he elaborated.

" Why do we need them ? Heck why do we even need our powers ?" Katarina asked.

" Well, you see, you need them to survive. Because, trust me, the world you're getting yourself into, is a harsh place where you can only stay alive if you're able to protect and preserve yourself from harm."

" I'm not getting myself into anything, you brought me here unwillingly and thrust me upon this. And what world ? "

" Nevermind, let's just start okay ?" he dismissed her question.

'Which world ?' Is the question that haunted me right now.

What are we getting ourselves into ?

I looked up at my friends, they were all lost in their thoughts. Probably thinking about the same question.

" Can i have your attentions now? " Ray shouted and we all glanced up at him.
" Hasty kids" he muttered under his breath, but apparently only i managed to hear him.

" As you see, there are objects here " he gestured at a table near him.

On top of it, were random objects. I could spot some stuffed animals and a blue plastic bird.

He gathered them in his arms and passed by the line, handing each one of us an object. We were all baffled and confused.

What is he up to?

" Now, today's lesson is teleportation " he announced.

What ?

" Tele- what?" Emma questionned.

" T.e.l.e.p.o.r.t.a.t.i.o.n." Ray spelled.

" Oh" she simply said.

The others were all befuddled.
All of them showed confusion and daze, except Zach. His face wore a rather furious vibe.

Is it because he didn't get to kiss me?

I really wonder why.

He must have felt my gaze on him, because his eyes instantly shot up to meet mine.
I blushed, dipping my head down and trying to focus on Ray.
I couldn't look at Zach wihout feeling embarassed, he almost, almost kissed me. I couldn't erase that intense moment we shared, it was so rabid.
Well, just for me, i guess. Surely, not for him. He was used to girls kissing him all the time. That's what he said, right?

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