Chapter Sixteen.

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Groggily, Ruby watched as Master bathed Olivia.

Olivia didn't fight and didn't have to be restrained in the slightest. She just didn't seem to care.

Once they were done, Master latched the chains back around Olivia's wrist, but he didn't bother with Ruby's. Instead, he just lifted her over his shoulder. And for once, Ruby was relieved because she honestly wasn't sure she was able to move on her own.

Ruby couldn't even care that his hands and arms were wrapped around her bare body or that he had almost dropped her as he descended the staircase back into the basement.

Master sat her down against the same wall as when she had first been kidnapped. Her eyes instantly looked for the small window and when she found it, disappointment flooded her features. The window was no longer cracked and had been boarded up to prevent any escape.

When Ruby finally began focusing on Master again, she realized that he already had two more Victorian gowns in hand.

Master began dressing Olivia in a crimson red dress, saving the forest green one for Ruby.

Ruby lost her breath as Master pulled the lace, securing the dress's corset.

He then used an old vintage brush on her hair, only causing her head to hurt more.

Ruby already knew the final step would be her makeup. And she dreaded it so much. The thought of having her skin sliced open and her blood being used to decorate her face made her want to vomit.

But she endured it anyway, sitting patiently as Master finished up Olivia.

Nothing was holding Ruby in place and a small voice in the back of her head told her to run. To seize the opportunity. But the more logical side told her she was too weak and it would only lead to another beating.

Master walked back over to his small closet where he kept his dresses, and pulled out a decent sized mirror that Ruby assumed was meant to be hung on the wall.

"You both look stunning." He said, admiring them, "And for you two doing such a great job lately, I've gotten you this as a gift. I'm going to hang it in your room. Then you can see your beauty whenever you want!"

Ruby didn't know why but the thought made her sick. Even more so when she finally caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

Her cheeks had sunken in and she looked deprived of life. Her eyes looked dull and the bags under her eyes had never been so dark before.

Ruby averted her gaze, refusing to look at her reflection. And she was grateful for when Master lowered the mirror, readying to take them back to their room.

Theo hadn't moved from against the wall, not that he could even if he wanted to. But he was still awake, and his head perked up as they entered.

Ruby was hoping to get to sit back down, but Master had other ideas. He quickly secured her back to her original spot on the rope swing, forcing her to stand.

Her body was so exhausted. And she just wanted to sleep. The thought of never waking up crossed her mind once or twice and she hated the feeling of wanting to die.

But she felt even worse for Olivia as Master chained her body back up, causing her to perform a scorpion.

Master then hung the mirror on the wall across from Ruby and smiled at them all, "Normally, the next performance wouldn't be for another week or so, but I think I'm going to push this one forward. I'm just so excited to include our new addition." He said, looking at Theo.

Ruby glanced at Olivia and this was the first time she actually seemed interested in something since Davina's death. Was she actually excited?

Master backed out of the room, smiling like a child, "I just can't wait!"

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