Chapter Two.

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As a child Ruby was never necessarily scared of the dark as much as what hid in it. The dark figures that ran across the walls and the light footsteps that sent shivers down her spine always kept her from sleep. But now as she laid there, shackles locked around her wrists, Ruby wished she would have been more concerned with physical beings rather then the make-believe.

A dull light crept through the crack below the door, illuminating the stone walls. Her bones ached and she couldn't tell if it was the pain that caused her to see the bright, red liquid that cascaded down the wall or if it was just her cold reality.

Ruby sighed, resting her head against the wet concrete. The air seemed to thicken by the second. She could nearly feel a hand wrapped around her lungs, squeezing until there was no oxygen left inside of her body.

The floor creaked above, causing Ruby to go rigid. The door knob began to rattle. She quickly choked on a loud sob as a man appeared in the doorway. He smiled down at her and the lines that ran across his cheeks stretched hideously. The stairs shook with every step he took closer to her. "Hello, Ruby." He said, his voice reminding her of charred sandpaper. She pushed herself farther against the wall, attempting to put as much distance between them as possible.

He reached out his hand, stroking her cheek. A chill ran down her spine as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Ruby needed to escape. She couldn't stay there. She had a family at home who needed her. She had friends who needed her. Or maybe she was the one who needed them.

She thought about the sun and how it kissed her skin every Summer. She remembered how the Spring rains washed away all the cold sins of Winter. Ruby relived the memories of Fall and how the orange and red and yellow leaves flooded her yard, creating a masterpiece every year.

She had no idea what this man's plan was, but she knew this may be her only chance to escape.

Without a second thought, Ruby kicked out her foot, pushing the man backwards. She caught sight of the keys that dangled from his pants and knew that she would need them to reach freedom.

The man recovered quickly, grabbing a fistful of her hair. She screamed and then sunk her teeth around his upper arm until a metallic taste filled her mouth.

He snarled, bringing his hand up. She flinched away, but that did nothing as a sharp pain spread throughout her cheek.

Tears roll down her face as he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. He leaned in close to her ear and Ruby cringed away from his next words. "You'll make a beautiful addition to my collection."

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