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Henry shook with fear as his mother tucked him into bed.

"Just go to sleep, my darling. This will all be over before you know it." She whispered to him.

But deep down, Henry knew that this night in particular would not be so simple.

His father screamed in anger from outside his bedroom and Henry grabbed his mother's pale hand, squeezing until his knuckles turned white.

"Just a moment, sweetie. I think I have something that will calm you down." She pulled her hand from his and reached for a small porcelain doll on the shelve beside his bed.

He took it, rolling onto his side and pulling the blanket up to hide his face.

The screaming continued getting louder and his father began banging heavily on the door.

Henry's mother seemed to grow more frantic, "Keep this blanket over your head, okay? And no matter what, just pretend that you're not here. You're somewhere safe."

She glanced at the door which looked as though it would come off it's hinges at any moment, "I love you son. I'll always be with you."

Henry started crying uncontrollably, "What do you mean? Where are you going, mom?"

"A place much more peaceful then this, I hope."

"What if I need you? Where will you be?" Henry said, sobbing.

His mother's eyes fell on the small doll he was holding, "When you need me, just grab a porcelain doll. I'll be there. It'll be like our secret way of communicating."

The words had barely left her mouth when the door flew open and his father marched in, dropping the glass bottle he was holding.

A liquid spread across the hardwood floor and filled the room with a strong odor.

Henry hid his face under the blanket, ignoring the screams coming from his mother.

He gripped the doll tighter to his body until finally the room fell quiet.

The only noise came from his own sobs and his fathers footsteps as he left the room.

Henry didn't have enough courage to roll over or to even open his eyes. Instead he waited for sleep to take even as the smell of blood made him want to vomit.

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