Chapter Eleven.

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Ruby bit the inside of her cheek as she waited to hear something, anything outside of the dining room.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but eventually, after what seemed like forever, the lock began to jingle and the door knob turned.

Master walked in, blood covering his face and clothes. His eyes seemed distant as he came close enough to unlock the chains hooked around the tables leg.

He pulled at the chains, yanking both Ruby and Olivia out of their chairs. Ruby's feet burned with every step and her heart clenched as they made their way back to that lonely basement.

The stairs creaked as they walked down into the dark. Ruby glanced up, her eyes once again catching on that small window. It was closed this time, as Master was not foolish enough to make the same mistake twice.

Ruby began feeling nauseas as she was lead through the small door, hidden behind the staircase.

The light flicked on and Ruby scanned the room. She didn't understand why she expected anything to be different. She had only been gone a few hours.

But then tears began welling at Ruby's eyes as she realized something had indeed changed. Davina was no longer with them. Her delicate body would no longer be hung from the ceiling in a permanent ark.

The thought brought Ruby pain. But even so, she prayed that Davina was in a better place. Somewhere she would feel no pain. And deep down, Ruby wished she could be granted the same fate.

Ruby tried not to let Master see her tears as he rushed around the room, grabbing small paint brushes and white face paint.

He sat Olivia down first, smearing her face in a porcelain white before cutting her thigh open and drenching the paint brush in her blood.

Her blood covered her lips, cheeks, and eyelids like makeup. And unlike the first time, when it was Ruby's turn, she didn't even bother to flinch.

Master no longer seemed distant. He almost seemed happy now as his blue eyes sparkled, "I hope you two won't get too lonely down here by yourselves. I have something quite special in store for us."

Confusion set in, but before Ruby or Olivia could get any type of questions out, Master was already out the door, leaving them in complete silence and grief.

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