Chapter Nine.

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When the music stopped, Ruby tried not to flinch away as Master shackled her wrists, chaining her to Olivia.

In the center of the stage, Davina kneeled, blood trickling from her knees and feet.

Master didn't move to chain her. He didn't even seem to pay her any notice as he lead Ruby and Olivia from the room.

The door leading out of the theater creaked loudly, sending a chill down Ruby's spine.

Every step down the dark hallway brought fresh tears to her eyes, but Ruby kept her focus on her surroundings, looking for something that might help her escape.

Master didn't speak. He just smiled victoriously as he dragged them through the building like dogs.

The hallway lights flickered above, causing Ruby's head to ache.

Her feet burned and it was as if she were walking on glass all over again.

As they neared a pair of doors, Ruby observed a flier on the wall. It was faded, but she managed to see that it was an advertisement for a play that had showed years earlier.

But it wasn't the play she was interested in, it was address at the bottom. Their location instantly made sense. Master was keeping them in the old theatre of her home town.

When she was only a child, it had been shut down after an incident that left many actors dead. She had always gotten a spooky feeling when she passed by it, but she never in her life thought something this sinister could be going on inside.

Master pushed through the double doors, entering an old dining room. Chairs were scattered throughout the room and most of the white tables were stained and broken.

Ruby and Olivia were walked to the best looking table and Master motioned for them to sit. The chairs creaked under their weight and Ruby was afraid her chair might collapse underneath her.

First, he wrapped the chains they were connected to around the tables leg, securing it, then he walked back to the double doors and pulled out a small key, placing it in the doors lock.

He turned, targeting a kitchen-like door and disappeared inside.

Ruby pulled at the chains, hoping they would come loose around her wrists. Tears of frustration starting running down her cheeks and she groaned in defeat.

"You need to calm down." Olivia said, watching her.

Ruby sobbed, "I can't."

"You can. You did great today. Just stay strong a little longer."

The words had barely left Olivia's mouth when Master came rushing back into the room. He had a tray of pizza in one hand and two bottles of water in the other.

Master placed the food and beverages on the table and walked back towards the doors. "Enjoy dinner, my loves. I'll be back to get you soon."

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