Chapter Eighteen.

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Tears streamed down Ruby's cheeks and she pushed closer to Theo, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.

She couldn't unsee Davina's dead body or the way it bent at such a forced angle.

"Theo, since you're still new, maybe you should start the show off!" Master suggested, jumping around excitedly.

Theo looked at Ruby, fear flashing in his eyes, "What does he mean? What's happening?"

"It's okay! You're going to be okay. He's going to make you dance on glass. It's going to hurt but you'll survive." Ruby said gently, trying to chase away his fears.

"Oh no, Ruby darling." Master said interrupting. "I'd like to try something new. I want him to dance in the air."

Ruby raised her eyebrows in confusion before realization hit her, "You can't hang him!"

Master seemed upset about how she was acting, "it's just acting, my dear, he'll be fine."

"He'll be fine until his body runs out of oxygen!" Ruby yelled, panic flooding her body, but Master only ignored her as he pushed her out of the way and pulled Theo off the ground.

Theo started pulling at the chains, resisting in every possible way, "You can't do this! Please!"

Master shook with anger as he brought his fist up slamming it into Theo's temple. Theo wasn't unconscious but his body seemed to slow as Master continued to drag him towards the noose.

There was a small step stool under it, and Ruby watched helplessly as Master pushed Theo up the steps and tightened the noose around his neck.

Ruby turned to Olivia, hoping that she would do something to stop this but she just sat there, her eyes switching between Theo's hanging and Davina's corpse.

Master kicked the stool out from under Theo and his body went rigid, fighting for air against the ropes.

It was almost as if his face was actually turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

"Please stop!" Ruby pleaded, but Master only ignored her.

Theo kicked his feet out, trying to escape his fate, and it almost looked like he was actually dancing in the air.

This was playing out exactly how Master had wanted it to.

Ruby shook with fear as she started to see Theo's life leave his eyes. Without thinking, she forced herself off the ground, ignoring the jello feeling in her legs. She ran at Master, knocking him to the ground and then she grabbed the stool placing it back under Theo's feet.

She helped steady him and started to loosen the noose when a arm wrapped around her waist, throwing her hardly to the ground.

Master loomed above her and she could almost see the steam coming from his ears from how angry he was.

Ruby flinched away as Master lifted his hand as if he was going to hit her.

"I've had enough!" Olivia screamed, gathering everyone's attention.

Olivia was clutching a piece of glass in her hand and her voice trembled as she spoke, "I don't want to live like this anymore."

Before anyone could react, Olivia stabbed the glass through her neck. Her eyes seemed to go blank for a second and then she hit the ground, blood gushing from the wound.

Master ran towards her body, kneeling beside her on the ground. Olivia's eyes were closed, but Ruby could have sworn she saw her fingers twitch.

Master rose from the ground after a moment, his face devoid of any emotion, "Well that's a pity. Let's get you two back to your room."

Ruby was shocked, "You're just going to leave her there?"

"Dolls break sometimes. There's nothing I can do to fix her."

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