Chapter Twenty.

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Ruby was blinded for a quick moment as the doctor examined her eyes with a flashlight, "Everything seems normal, Ruby. How are you feeling?"

"I just want to go home." She said, with a yawn.

The doctor smiled at her, "Well I have some good news for you then... you're parents are right outside that door, waiting to see you."

Ruby jumped out of bed in excitement, but the doctor put a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Don't get too excited yet. There's also a officer here who would like to speak to you. With your parents consent of course."

She nodded her head to indicate she understood, even though she wasn't sure she wanted to talk about the past few weeks with her parents around. Ruby didn't want to subject them to knowing what their little girl had gone through.

But all that worry went away as her mother and father burst through the door, running straight for her.

They bundled her up in a hug, and kissed her head and cheeks.

Both of their eyes were red and puffy from crying, and seeing them like that only made Ruby want to cry.

So she did. She cried into her mother's arms until she could no longer catch her breath.

Her father rubbed her back gently, whispering his love to her and making sure she knew she was safe now.

But the moment ended too soon as there was a knock at the door and then an officer walked in.

The same officer who had first arrived at the scene. Who had screamed Master's real name.

Henry Walker.

Ruby pushed down the urge to vomit.

"Hello, Ruby. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Ruby nodded her head once in agreement.

"How and where were you kidnapped?"

Ruby quickly explained how she had gone to the restroom and he had pushed her down and chloroformed her. She just wanted this to all be over.

The officer didn't show any emotion, "I see. And can you tell me how many people he had already kidnapped once you arrived?"

Ruby took a deep breath remembering her first day in the basement, "Two. Davina and Olivia. Then me. And then Theo."

"And Davina was the only death you witnessed?" The officer asked, taking notes.

Tears welled in Ruby's eyes, "No. I witnessed Olivia's death also."

The officer seemed confused at this, "Miss Towers, has no one informed you yet that Olivia isn't dead?"


The officer set down his notebook, "Olivia Johnson survived."

The tears that welled in her eyes, poured down her cheek, "That's not possible. She stabbed herself in the neck. I saw her die!"

"Before being kidnapped, Olivia took a few classes in the medical field. She knew exactly where to stab herself and what would give her a bigger survival rate. She only cut through a connective tissue in her throat."

Ruby was baffled. That explained why she saw her fingers twitch. She wasn't dead, she was only faking it.

"Who did you think reported your kidnappings and lead us to you all?"

Ruby felt chills. So Olivia hadn't left her behind after all.

"What will happen to Master—I mean, Henry Walker?" Ruby asked, dying to know the answer.

"Master? Is that what he made you call him?" The officer asked, picking back up his notebook.

Ruby didn't answer, looking away in embarrassment. She hated that word. She hated calling him that even more.

The officer took a deep breath, deciding not to push her further on the question, "He'll go to trial, but with all the proof and witnesses that we have, I don't think he'll be going free anytime soon."

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