Chapter Seven.

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Ruby struggled to breathe through the thick material that covered her head as she walked blindly, following the pull of the chains.

Her head felt like it was spinning and she struggled to stay on her feet. With every step she took, she thought the bones in her legs might shatter.

Ruby silently wondered where the man was taking them. When he first retrieved them from the basement, she had attempted to count her steps and turns, but soon realized that it was pointless. They had already walked up numerous flights of stairs and taken more turns then she could count.

She listened to the music that played softly in the distance. It should have put Ruby at ease, but somehow it only made the entire situation more eerie.

Ruby didn't know what to expect. Could death really be much worse then this? She shook her head, ashamed of the fact that she actually didn't know the answer.

As the music began growing louder, Ruby's breath seemed to catch in her chest. She gagged as she inhaled the smell of rotting flesh.

The smell worsened until suddenly the pull of the chains slowed and Ruby came to a complete stop.

Within seconds, the bag was ripped from off her head and her eyes scanned the area.

They stood on a wooden stage, surrounded on three fronts by old theater chairs. Behind them, the man walked towards the red, velvet curtain.

He pulled on a thick, braided string and slowly the curtain opened.

Ruby lost all feeling in her body. She dropped to her knees at the sight before her. Dead bodies hung from the ceiling on ropes, chains, and hooks.

Some of the bodies looked like they had been there for months, but others looked fresh as if they had been killed only hours before.

"Is there a problem, Ruby?" The man asked, coming to wipe away her tears.

She was at a loss for words, "Why?"

He smiled at her. "We needed props for our shows!"

Ruby's heart sank in her chest, "You're a monster!" She whispered.

She heard the slap before she felt it, "I am your Master, girl. Don't you dare disrespect me!"

Her cheek stung, but she didn't say another word. She only stared at the props while the man unshackled Olivia and began giving her stage directions.

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