Chapter Six.

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After forcing Ruby to watch a broadcast about herself, she expected the man to leave.

But instead he wondered around the room, fixing their forced posture. He lifted Olivia's leg up even higher, stating that she was slacking.

He moved on to Davina, placing a hand on her back. He pushed, causing her arc to deepen until Ruby was sure her back would snap. Davina grimaced, but that was the only sign of her discomfort.

"Ruby! Stand taller. You're shoulders are slouching." She forced her back straight, ignoring the stiffness in her bones.

Seemingly satisfied, the man walked back towards the door, stopping in the threshold to look at all three girls, "I hope you are each ready. The show is tomorrow and we're going to see just how much you have each been practicing!"

The moment the door shut, Ruby looked to Olivia, "What happens tomorrow?"

"We perform. We dance around on glass, force our bodies into impossible positions, and hope to god we survive." Olivia said, hanging her head.

Fear spread throughout her body until she was shaking, "What do you mean? Could we die tomorrow?"

Davina answered her this time, "Of course we could. If Master doesn't believe your performance is perfect then he'll move to replace you." Davina's voice chilled Ruby to the bone. It was the sound of someone who had been through hell and back. The sound of someone who no longer carried hope.

"You called him 'Master'... why?" Ruby asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

Davina closed her eyes, "Because that's his name."

"But... on the bright side," Olivia started, "if you do well, you'll be served dinner."

If you do well.

Ruby closed her eyes. Tomorrow she would be faced with death. And as scary as that was, she found it even worse that the days were still moving. Night and day were still shifting back and forth. The world was still moving on without her.

And it would continue to do so, even if she died.

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