The Announcement

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Dateline: April 8th, 1999 at the Radcliffe Household

It was a typical day in the house of Radcliffe until Marcia touched on a subject that would change Dan's life forever, and Alan agreed to it along with the Watsons with Emma.

It was breakfast, and Dan was sitting at the table eating some toast until Marcia touched on the subject, ''Dan?'' Marcia began.

''Yes?'' responded Dan.

''You've been asking me for the past weeks if you would be okay to take on a role for acting?'' '

'Yes, I have been asking, and I'm curious if you've made a decision yet'' said Dan, eagerly,

''Well, you're in luck because we've just signed you up for auditions for the film adaptation of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens! How's that sweetheart?'' exclaimed Marcia.

''Wait, Really?'' Marcia nodded.

''Thanks, Mom and Dad! You're the best!'' said Dan, as he hugged both of his parents.

Dateline: September 1st, 1999 in Dan's Room

Time: 6:30 PM

Both Emma and Daniel are reading the Second book of Harry Potter silently together. Emma's sitting on his bed with her back against the frame, and Dan's sitting on a chair next to his desk.

Everything was going well for the kids except when Dan began to speak, ''Hey, Emma, I've got some news'' Emma looked at Dan from the book. ''So, you know when you and I want to become actors for a film?'' Emma nodded. ''Well, lucky me because I got chosen to audition for David Copperfield film!''

Emma's jaw dropped, and she stood up from the bed, making Dan flinch. She made her way to Dan, and without hesitation, she flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

''I'm so happy for you!'' squealed Emma. ''Hopefully, you can teach me how to get over that anxiety sooner or later.''

''I will just give me a little time to relax for being a little stressed on this film,'' Dan said calmly.

He then thought of something else that would for sure knock himself flat on the ground with Emma on top of him.

''Oh, also have you heard that they're doing auditions for the First film of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger? I've heard they're accepting only British people only.'' Dan asked her.

''Really?'' she asked, pulling out of the hug.

''Is this a joke?''

''No! It's not a Joke! They're doing Auditions at Leavesden Studios and If you don't believe me, check the news! J.K. Rowling said it herself,'' Dan exclaimed, truthfully.

''Okay, Okay, you win. But one question though, when are the auditions exactly?'' Emma asked.

''From what I can tell, my castmates from David Copperfield named Maggie Smith and Zoe Wanamaker told me that they're doing auditions on October 15th. So that's approximately One month and Two weeks to prepare,'' explained Dan. ''We should have plenty of time to prepare for the auditions until October; you and I could make study schedules for key points in the book. Does that sound good to you?''

''Yes! It Does!'' screamed Emma as she pounced on Dan, knocking him to the floor.

They were both staring into their eyes until Emma made a bold move and kissed him on the lips, and quickly pulled away.

''Dan... I Don't know wha-'' at that moment, Dan cuts her off and kissed her quickly.

''Don't worry, I like you too.'' She smiled, and they both embraced each other in a tight hug.

They let go of the hug, and soon enough, their lips met, and they began to move slowly.

They pulled out of the kiss, and Dan began to question her, ''Should we tell our parents this or maybe later?''

''Later,'' she answered, and Dan nodded.

They kissed quickly one more time before heading into Dan's bed. They made sure they were spaced out well enough because they did not want their parents to know that they're together yet until the foreseeable future.

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